Feedback each picture

Слайд 2

pull up the railings and the glass in between the balconies for

pull up the railings and the glass in between the balconies for

Example: gap between the houses is not up to the end... it ends about 30 cm before the roof... please complete it everywhere

Angular shaped gutter & round rain water pipe

round shaped gutter only in the back of the roof

Please change the perspective: a little higher… we do not like the sharp angle of the roof (top, left)

Example: the house and the clouds become blurred.

Слайд 3

A small linden tree here

Put some big trees (blue circles) on the

A small linden tree here Put some big trees (blue circles) on
border of the property, so it looks not so empty.. Like here:

Strange line on the edge

Hedge must be on the private ground, so more to the right side.

So empty, please park a car or some people…

No curbstone please. This is to wide and to high… we will have a 8 cm wide border stone but same height as plaster

the bound in front of the single-family houses must be anthracite grey, like you did already with the multi-family houses.

No border here in front of parking slots

Street ends here…

Слайд 4

This color shall be darker than the one above. Is it?

Please another

This color shall be darker than the one above. Is it? Please

Car to close to hedge

Insert 3 canopy but only in this picture

Example: the house and the clouds become blurred

Please change the perspective: a little higher… we do not like the sharp angle of the roof (top, left)

round shaped gutter & round rain water pipe

Слайд 5

Instead of privacy screen: concrete wall 20 cm width with bricks (5

Instead of privacy screen: concrete wall 20 cm width with bricks (5
cm attic in anthracit). height: same as windows

Angular shaped gutter & round rain water pipe

pull up the railings and the glass in between the balconies for privacy

Please change the perspective: a little higher… we do not like the sharp angle of the roof (top, left)

inside face of a window frame must also have the clinker

Слайд 6

The colors of the brick seem so different, to the colors in

The colors of the brick seem so different, to the colors in
the front, adapt the lighting please

Angular shaped gutter & round rain water pipe

Strange line on the edge

round shaped gutter & round rain water pipe

Please change the perspective: a little higher… we do not like the sharp angle of the roof (top, left)

Слайд 7

The shade is so looks like these are different colors.

This arrangement

The shade is so looks like these are different colors. This
of colors is wrong, the blue color begins here.

Please but here a car…and move the lady and her pet to the right…

put the bicycle on the public street

Angular shaped gutter & round rain water pipe

No curbstone please. This is to wide and to high… we will have a 8 cm wide border stone but same height as plaster

inside face of a window frame must also have the color

Имя файла: Feedback-each-picture.pptx
Количество просмотров: 47
Количество скачиваний: 0