- 2. Needle Fixation: Addiction Psychology Discussion:
- 3. Needle Fixation: Addiction Psychology The advent of humanistic psychology
- 4. Behaviorismis a systematic approach to the study of human and animal behavior. All behaviors consist of
- 5. Mechanistic approach Behavior depends entirely on external stimuli Mental life is completely defined by unrealized attraction
- 6. Humanistic psychology is a direction in Western psychology that recognizes the personality as a unique holistic
- 7. Humanistic psychology is a conglomerate of different schools and directions with a common strategic platform. Representatives
- 8. The base of humanistic psychology is existentialism(lat.existentia'existence') — a direction in the philosophy of the 20th
- 9. Humanists were the first to pay their attention to healthy people. Humanistic psychology gives priority to
- 10. Principles of Humanistic Psychology The person as a holistic being exceeds the sum of his constituents.
- 11. Needle Fixation: Addiction Psychology Founders and Concepts of Humanistic Psychology
- 12. Needle Fixation: Addiction Psychology The center of the direction was the USA, and the leading founders
- 13. Abraham Maslow (1908 —1970)
- 14. Born in Brooklyn in 1908 The firstborn, had 6 brothers and sisters No warm relationship in
- 15. Professional formation First scientific paper: “The relationship of sexuality and social behavior of primates” Became a
- 16. Pyramid of Needs
- 17. Pyramid of Needs
- 18. Self-actualization according to A. Maslow is the realization of all potential opportunities, abilities and talents, as
- 19. Self-realization, self-actualization (development and realization of one's abilities) are the vernacial experience of the personality. Self-transcendence
- 20. Self-actualization is an objective perception of reality full perception of your body passion and dedication simplicity
- 21. Self-actualized personalities Enstein Spinoza William James Abraham Lincoln
- 22. Carl Rogers 1902-1987 Born in the suburban of Chicago Was the fourth of six children in
- 23. In 1922 he took part in the conference Christian Student Conference held in Beijing His views
- 24. Professional formation He became the Bachelor of History, the Master of Psychology and the Doctor of
- 25. Man is intrinsically kind and seeks to realize himself Man wants to bring his “I am
- 26. The main driver of development is the innate tendency towards self-actualization “positive regard” (the love and
- 27. For Rogers self-actualization is the process of human realization of his potential with the goal of
- 28. Self-actualized personality is the openness to the experience of any type to live the full life
- 29. Gordon Allport 1897 — 1967. Born in Montezuma, Indiana Entered the famous Harvard University, following his
- 30. Allport's Trait Theory of Personality personality is an open, self-developing system a man is, above all,
- 31. Needle Fixation: Addiction Psychology Existential psychology
- 32. Existential psychology isa direction in psychology that comes from the uniqueness of a particular person's life,
- 33. Rollo Reece May 1909 — 1994 an American psychologist and psychotherapist, a theorist of existential psychology.
- 34. May's Personality Theory A man lives in the present, what is happening here and nowis relevant
- 35. Irvin David Yalom an existential psychotherapist, the Professor of Psychiatry at the Stanford University. He started
- 36. Viktor Emil Frankl(1905 — 1997) an Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and neurologist The founder oflogotherapy - method
- 37. Psychologist in the concentration camp Developed the “autogenic training method” - the achievement of autonomic self-regulation
- 38. Needle Fixation: Addiction Psychology Logotherapy
- 39. It is a kind of psychotherapy based on the search and analyzis of the meaning of
- 40. a freedom of meaning is a fundamental, motivational force in a person. When a freedom of
- 41. Three ways to comprehend life: Creation getting a new experience or meeting someone on a life
- 42. Needle Fixation: Addiction Psychology Client-centered therapy
- 43. Congruence — openness, honesty. A person is called congruent who takes and accepts his feelings, his
- 44. Asking for help, a person is able to find a solution to his problem by himself.
- 45. “If you want the flower to blossom, it is not worth touching the bud petals, you
- 46. Needle Fixation: Addiction Psychology Gestalt means “shape, figure, form”. Other more or less appropriate Russian analogues
- 47. Gestalt therapy is an approach focused on supporting human development through inducing sensuality, sensitivity to the
- 48. Friedrich Perls (1893 - 1970) a German psychiatrist, the founder of Gestalt Therapy. In 1921 he
- 49. Gestalt Therapy arose in the middle of the 20th century became very popular in Russia in
- 50. Phenomenological approach means that we work with current experience, we see here and now. “We see
- 51. “I do my own thing and you do yours. I don't live in this world to
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