Graduate. English should be taught to everyone

Слайд 2

My name is Vasiliev Mikhail,this year I'm graduating.I have to take a

My name is Vasiliev Mikhail,this year I'm graduating.I have to take a
step into adulthood.I won't be able to enjoy the beautiful school moments anymore.

Слайд 3

During 11 years of studying at school, I gained experience in many

During 11 years of studying at school, I gained experience in many
ways, for example in English.In the 2nd grade,we had a subject,English, it was taught by Nadezhda leukhina, to this day she teaches us English.Our entire class is happy to go to English lessons.

Слайд 4

English should be taught to everyone, even children,it is useful in everyone's

English should be taught to everyone, even children,it is useful in everyone's
life.Do not think that it is useless,it is a world language,each of us will face the fact that the knowledge of English will be useful.

Слайд 5

Самое смешное воспоминание из школы-это как мы сломали дверь в кабинет классного

Самое смешное воспоминание из школы-это как мы сломали дверь в кабинет классного
руководителя.Мы не хотели ждать пока нам откроют дверь и мы ее начали дергать в итоге она открылась и мы с радостью зашли в кабинет,но нам прилетело от Любовь Николаевны.

Слайд 6

If I had a chance to change everything right now, I wouldn't

If I had a chance to change everything right now, I wouldn't
change anything,because I got happiness from every day at school.Recommendation for Junior classes, this is what you need to learn English from primary school, soon this knowledge will be useful.
Имя файла: Graduate.-English-should-be-taught-to-everyone.pptx
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