Jeopardy idioms


Слайд 3

Puppy love

Puppy love

Слайд 4

Детская влюбленность
That was just puppy love.

Детская влюбленность That was just puppy love.

Слайд 5

Hold your horses

Hold your horses

Слайд 6

Hold your horses! There’s no hurry.

Притормози, остановись

Hold your horses! There’s no hurry. Притормози, остановись

Слайд 7

A little bird told me

A little bird told me

Слайд 8

I heard you got married, a little birdie told me!

Сорока на хвосте

I heard you got married, a little birdie told me! Сорока на хвосте принесла.

Слайд 9

Dog eat dog

Dog eat dog

Слайд 10

It’s a dog eat dog business out there.

Жесткая конкуренция

It’s a dog eat dog business out there. Жесткая конкуренция

Слайд 11

Pet peeve

Pet peeve

Слайд 12

People chewing with their mouth open is my biggest pet peeve.

People chewing with their mouth open is my biggest pet peeve. Раздражитель

Слайд 13

To feel blue

To feel blue

Слайд 14


What does cheer you up when you're feeling blue?

Грустить What does cheer you up when you're feeling blue?

Слайд 15

a white lie

a white lie

Слайд 16

Lying about being rich is at most
a little white lie.

Невинная ложь,

Lying about being rich is at most a little white lie. Невинная ложь, ложь во спасение
ложь во спасение

Слайд 17

out of the blue

out of the blue

Слайд 18

A wild animal attacked him
out of the blue.

Как гром среди ясного

A wild animal attacked him out of the blue. Как гром среди ясного неба

Слайд 19

Catch someone red-handed

Catch someone red-handed

Слайд 20

The shop assistant caught a shoplifter red-handed.

Поймать с поличным

The shop assistant caught a shoplifter red-handed. Поймать с поличным

Слайд 21

Blue collar

Blue collar

Слайд 22

Last year we made redundant a lot of the blue-collar workers.


Last year we made redundant a lot of the blue-collar workers. Рабочий

Слайд 23

A piece of cake

A piece of cake

Слайд 24

It was a piece of cake to pass this exam.

Пара пустяков, легче

It was a piece of cake to pass this exam. Пара пустяков, легче легкого

Слайд 25

Not one’s cup of tea

Not one’s cup of tea

Слайд 26

Rock music is not my cup of tea.

Не по душе, не моё

Rock music is not my cup of tea. Не по душе, не моё

Слайд 27

Cool as a cucumber

Cool as a cucumber

Слайд 28

I am cool as a cucumber.
Быть спокойным,хладнокровным

I am cool as a cucumber. Быть спокойным,хладнокровным

Слайд 29

Couch potato

Couch potato

Слайд 30

Cold winter weather is no reason
to be a couch potato.


Cold winter weather is no reason to be a couch potato. Лежебока

Слайд 31

Spill the beans

Spill the beans

Слайд 32

I know everything. She spilled the beans.

Проболтаться, выдать секрет

I know everything. She spilled the beans. Проболтаться, выдать секрет

Слайд 33

Go with the flow

Go with the flow

Слайд 34

Just relax and go with the flow.

Плыть по течению

Just relax and go with the flow. Плыть по течению

Слайд 35

Get into deep water

Get into deep water

Слайд 36

He got into deep water when he borrowed so much money.

Оказаться в

He got into deep water when he borrowed so much money. Оказаться в трудном положении
трудном положении

Слайд 37

Once in a blue moon

Once in a blue moon

Слайд 38

He calls his parents once in a blue moon.

Крайне редко, раз

He calls his parents once in a blue moon. Крайне редко, раз в 100 лет.
в 100 лет.

Слайд 39

Down to earth

Down to earth

Слайд 40

Ordinary, simple and down to earth.

Приземленный, рациональный

Ordinary, simple and down to earth. Приземленный, рациональный

Слайд 41

Break the ice

Break the ice
Имя файла: Jeopardy-idioms.pptx
Количество просмотров: 46
Количество скачиваний: 0