Loading and Unloading Minifilters


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© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


A minifilter may be loaded at

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Features A minifilter may be
any time
A minifilters “altitude” defines its location in the attachment stack
Filters have control over what volumes they attach to
Filters may support multiple instances (more then one attachment to a given volume)
Filters automatically notified about existing volumes

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A minifilter may be unloaded at

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Features A minifilter may be
any time
Filters have control over when they unload
If reloaded, will be inserted back in the same frame

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Triggering Minifilter Load

Driver start type of

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Triggering Minifilter Load Driver start
BOOT, SYSTEM or AUTO when the system boots
Must use existing load order group definitions for minifilters
This is necessary to support proper interoperation with legacy filters
Service Start request via:
“sc start” or “net start” commands
service APIs
An explicit load request via:
“fltmc load” command
FltLoadFilter() API (Kernel mode)
FilterLoad() API (User mode)

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Load Order Groups

FSFilter Activity Monitor
FSFilter Undelete

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Load Order Groups FSFilter Activity
FSFilter Replication
FSFilter Continuous Backup
FSFilter Content Screener
FSFilter Quota Management
FSFilter System Recovery
FSFilter Cluster File System
FSFilter HSM
FSFilter Compression
FSFilter Encryption
FSFilter Physical Quota Management
FSFilter Open File
FSFilter Security Enhancer
FSFilter Copy Protection

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Minifilter Startup

DriverEntry() routine called when driver

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Minifilter Startup DriverEntry() routine called
is loaded
Do global initialization
Call FltRegisterFilter() API
Registers callbacks with Filter Manager
Call FltStartFiltering() API
Volume enumeration may start before this call returns

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Triggering Instance Creation

At minifilter FltStartFiltering() time

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Triggering Instance Creation At minifilter
volumes enumerated
Volume mount
An explicit attachment request via:
“fltmc attach” command
FltAttachVolume() API (kernel mode)
FilterAttach() API (user mode)

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What controls which instances are created


© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. What controls which instances are
definitions in INF file
Defines: instance name, altitude, flags
Altitude values are defined and maintained by Microsoft
Flags contains OR-able bit values:
0x01 = when set suppress automatic attachment
0x02 = when set suppress manual attachment
Defines: DefaultInstance
Must be specified, used to order filters so mount and instance setup callbacks are sent in the correct order
Also used with FltAttachVolume()/ FilterAttach() APIs when no instance name is specified

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What controls which instances are created

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. What controls which instances are

Instance definitions in INF file (cont)
Multiple instances may be defined
Definitions apply across all volumes
Currently uses AddRegistry section
A new “Instance” section type will be added to INF files
InstanceSetup() callback in FLT_REGISTRATION structure

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Sample Instance Definitions

From MiniSpy.inf:
HKR,"Instances","DefaultInstance",0x00000000,"Minispy - Top

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Sample Instance Definitions From MiniSpy.inf:
HKR,"Instances\Minispy - Bottom Instance","Altitude",0x00000000,“365000"
HKR,"Instances\Minispy - Bottom Instance","Flags",0x00010001,0x1
HKR,"Instances\Minispy - Middle Instance","Altitude",0x00000000,“370000"
HKR,"Instances\Minispy - Middle Instance","Flags",0x00010001,0x1
HKR,"Instances\Minispy - Top Instance","Altitude",0x00000000,“385000"
HKR,"Instances\Minispy - Top Instance","Flags",0x00010001,0x1

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InstanceSetup callback

If NULL, the instance is

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. InstanceSetup callback If NULL, the
always created
If defined:
FLT_INSTANCE_SETUP_FLAGS parameter identifies why this instance is being created
Newly mounted volume
VolumeDeviceType parameter identifies the device type for this volume

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InstanceSetup callback (cont)

VolumeFilesystemType parameter identifies the

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. InstanceSetup callback (cont) VolumeFilesystemType parameter
file system type for this volume
Instance creation may be failed by returning an error or warning NTSTATUS

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Triggering Minifilter Unload

Service stop request via:

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Triggering Minifilter Unload Service stop
stop” or “net stop” commands
Service APIs
An explicit unload request via:
“fltmc unload” command
FltUnloadFilter() API (kernel mode)
FilterUnload() API (user mode)

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Controlling Minifilter Unload

Two mechanisms through FLT_REGISTRATION

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Controlling Minifilter Unload Two mechanisms
FilterUnload() callback
FltMgr sets DriverUnload() routine in filter
It calls, at the appropriate time, any DriverUnload() routine the minifilter may have set in its DriverObject

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FilterUnload callback

If NULL, the minifilter cannot

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. FilterUnload callback If NULL, the
be unloaded
If defined:
Mandatory unloads (via service stop) cannot be failed
Non-mandatory unloads (via FltUnloadFilter() or FilterUnload() APIs) may be failed by returning an error or warning NTSTATUS
FLT_FILTER_UNLOAD_FLAGS parameter identifies reason for unload

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If set, a minifilter can

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. FLTFL_REGISTRATION_DO_ NOT_SUPPORT_SERVICE_STOP flag If set,
not be unloaded via a service stop request
If a FilterUnload() callback is defined, the minifilter may be unloaded via the FltUnloadFilter() or FilterUnload() APIs
Use this flag if you always need to have the option of failing an unload request

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Minifilter’s Responsibilities in FilterUnload callback

Call FltUnregisterFilter(),

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Minifilter’s Responsibilities in FilterUnload callback
Filter Manager then:
Deletes all instances
Deletes volume contexts
Waits for outstanding Filter references
Entries pending in generic work queue
When this returns all instances have been deleted
Do global cleanup:
Delete global EResources
Free global memory and delete lookaside lists
Unregister global callbacks
Timer, Process or Thread notification callbacks
Minifilter will be unloaded if a success NTSTATUS is returned

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Triggering Instance teardown

A minifilter being unloaded

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Triggering Instance teardown A minifilter
volume being dismounted
An explicit detach request via
“fltmc detach” command
FltDetachVolume() API (kernel mode)
FilterDetach() API (user mode)

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Controlling Instance Teardown

InstanceQueryTeardown() callback

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Controlling Instance Teardown In FLT_REGISTRATION
InstanceTeardownComplete() callback

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InstanceQueryTeardown Callback

Only called for explicit detach

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. InstanceQueryTeardown Callback Only called for
requests via FltDetachVolume() or FilterDetach()
Not called for FilterUnload()
Not called for volume dismount
If NULL, instance cannot be torn down via an explicit detach request
If defined:
May be failed by returning an error or warning NTSTATUS
If a success NTSTATUS is returned, teardown starts immediately

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InstanceTeardownStart Callback

May be NULL, instance is

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. InstanceTeardownStart Callback May be NULL,
still torndown
If defined:
Pass on or complete pended preOperation IOs
Use FltCompletePendedPreOperation()
Guarantee you won’t pend any new IOs (see FltCbdqXxx() routines)
Complete pended postOperation IOs
Use FltCompletePendedPostOperation()
Close opened files
Make worker threads start doing minimal work
Cancel filter initiated IOs
Stop queuing new work items
No new operation callbacks are being sent to the minifilter, may see operation callbacks for operations started before teardown was initiated

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Outstanding Operation Callbacks

Any currently executing preOperation

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Outstanding Operation Callbacks Any currently
callback continues normal processing
Any currently executing postOperation callback continues normal processing
Any IO that has completed the preOperation callback and is waiting for a postOperation callback may be “drained” or “canceled”

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“Draining” Operation Callbacks

Is a PostOperation callback

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. “Draining” Operation Callbacks Is a
that is called asynchronously from the actual operation being completed.
Always called at a safe IRQL
FLTFL_POST_OPERATION_DRAINING in “Flags” parameter is set
Receives “fake” CallbackData structure
Minimally initialized
Contains valid FLT_IO_PARAMETER_BLOCK (Iopb)
Receives fully populated FLT_RELATED_OBJECTS structure
Perform minimal work
Cleanup context from preOperation callback
Must Not:
Restore swapped data buffers
Attempt to defer the operation in any way
If drained, will not receive a normal postOperation callback

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“Cancelling” Operation Callbacks

If buffers have been

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. “Cancelling” Operation Callbacks If buffers
swapped for a given operation, that operation is not drainable
Instead, Filter Manager attempts to cancel the operation
After canceling, Filter Manager waits for the operation to complete

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Minifilter Generated IOs

These IOs will continue

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Minifilter Generated IOs These IOs
normal processing
Minifilter should cancel any long lived IOs
Oplocks, directory change notifications, etc.
Instance teardown will wait for all filter generated IOs to complete

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InstanceTeardownComplete callback

May be NULL, instance is

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. InstanceTeardownComplete callback May be NULL,
still torndown
If defined:
When called, all outstanding IO operations have been completed or drained
WARNING: This routine will not be called if:
There are any outstanding pended operations
There is any outstanding filter generated IO
The unload request will look like it has hung
Close any files that are still open
Referencing an Instance (with FltObjectReference) does not prevent this routine from being called

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Final Cleanup of Instance

Waits for outstanding

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Final Cleanup of Instance Waits
Instance references
Waits for deferred IO work items to complete
Waits for any other references on the instance
All remaining contexts deleted
The instance is now gone
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