Слайд 2Man in the modern world - who is he? Looking at the

environmental performance, it has long become clear that a person is only a part in a large car with a well-coordinated mechanism. Yes, at present, this car began to falter, since most people destroy what they were given by nature, but we are able to prevent a catastrophe if we change our approach to life.
Слайд 3Well, we dealt with the physical component. But what changes inside a

person over time? It would seem that with the development of technology, with access to any knowledge, a person should develop day and night, absorbing information like a sponge.
Слайд 4However, this does not happen, since motivation disappears and laziness appears. People

who have grown up in greenhouse conditions and who do not have any locked (within reasonable limits) agree that they have at the moment and do not give much development to spiritual or intellectual development. Perhaps this happens also because a person is afraid of all the enormous amount of knowledge that the world can provide us.
Слайд 5Consider a very narrow example - Russia. A very small part of

the population is ready to study at universities in order to succeed, people do not want to study, they are looking for freebies and opportunities to get money for nothing. In Moscow, this trend is not very visible, but in the outback it is clearly visible.
Слайд 6So who is the man in the modern world for the most

part? A pawn of government, a lazy body without ambition,
a gray mass that is pulled by bright minds? We can hardly find the exact answer to this question. Time will tell.