Maths. Number and Place Value


Слайд 2

Number and Place Value Starter Ideas

Number and Place Value Starter Ideas

Слайд 3


Number Cards

Beat the Teacher 1

Beat the Teacher 2

Find Your Partner

Dice Dilemma

Number in

Contents Number Cards Beat the Teacher 1 Beat the Teacher 2 Find

Naming Number Dominoes

Spotting Mistakes

Number Rules

Get in Line

Fraction Action

Magic Negatives

Negative Number Line Loop Cards

Слайд 4

Number Cards

Number Cards

Слайд 5

Number Cards

Number Cards

Слайд 6

Number Cards

Number Cards

Слайд 7

Number Cards

Number Cards

Слайд 8

Number Cards

Number Cards

Слайд 9

Naming Number Dominoes

Naming Number Dominoes

Слайд 10

Naming Numbers Dominoes

Play dominoes with your partner or group by matching the

Naming Numbers Dominoes Play dominoes with your partner or group by matching
numbers with the words.
Who will be first to use all their dominoes?

Слайд 11

Beat the Teacher 1

Beat the Teacher 1

Слайд 12

Beat the Teacher

The aim of this game is to create the smallest

Beat the Teacher The aim of this game is to create the
number. We will take turns to roll the dice, and decide where to place the digits shown on the dice in the grid below.
I will go first, then I will choose someone from our class to have a turn.
Think carefully about where to place the digits to create the smallest number.

Слайд 13

Beat the Teacher

Now we will play again, but this time we will

Beat the Teacher Now we will play again, but this time we
have a different aim!

Слайд 14

Spotting Mistakes

Spotting Mistakes

Слайд 15

Spotting Mistakes

The year 6 class at Anywhere School have been learning about

Spotting Mistakes The year 6 class at Anywhere School have been learning
number and place value. They have answered some questions, but their teacher is confused by their answers.

Five hundred and fifty thousand, six hundred and three is written 5563 in digits.

Sam has forgotten to put a zero in the thousands place and in the tens place The number should be 550 603.

Can you spot their mistakes? Explain what each person did wrong and how they could correct their answers.

Reveal mistake

Слайд 16

Spotting Mistakes

Mischa has got mixed up when comparing the place value of

Spotting Mistakes Mischa has got mixed up when comparing the place value
the different digits in these decimal numbers. In 23.64, the tenths digit is 6. In 26.9, the tenths digit is 9. 9 is higher than 6.

Can you spot their mistakes? Explain what each person did wrong and how they could correct their answers.

Reveal mistake

The value of the tenths digit in 23.64 is higher than than the value of the tenths digit in 26.9.

Слайд 17

Spotting Mistakes

Robert has forgotten that the value of the digits gets smaller

Spotting Mistakes Robert has forgotten that the value of the digits gets
the further to the right of the decimal point they are. He may also have got mixed up with tens and hundreds. Two tenths is bigger than two hundredths!

Can you spot their mistakes? Explain what each person did wrong and how they could correct their answers.

Reveal mistake

Tenths are bigger than hundredths, so 0.2 is smaller than 0.02.

Слайд 18

Spotting Mistakes

Olivia has got mixed up with the place value of each

Spotting Mistakes Olivia has got mixed up with the place value of
digit in this number. The digit in the ten thousands place is actually 2.

Can you spot their mistakes? Explain what each person did wrong and how they could correct their answers.

Reveal mistake

In the number 2 220 002, the digit in the ten thousands place is zero.

Слайд 19

Spotting Mistakes

Sean has not compared the value of just the thousandths digit

Spotting Mistakes Sean has not compared the value of just the thousandths
in each number. He has compared the overall value of the decimal fraction of each number. The thousandths digit in 19.042 is 2, while the thousandths digit in 3.991 is 1. As we know, 2 is actually higher then 1!

Can you spot their mistakes? Explain what each person did wrong and how they could correct their answers.

Reveal mistake

The value of the thousandths digit in 19.042 is lower than then the value of the thousandths digit in 3.991.

Слайд 20

Beat the Teacher 2

Beat the Teacher 2

Слайд 21

Beat the Teacher

The aim of this game is to create the smallest

Beat the Teacher The aim of this game is to create the
number. We will take turns to roll the dice, and decide where to place the digits shown on the dice in the grid below.
I will go first, then I will choose someone from our class to have a turn.
Think carefully about where to place the digits to create the smallest number.

Слайд 22

Beat the Teacher

Now we will play again, but this time we will

Beat the Teacher Now we will play again, but this time we
have a different aim!

Слайд 23

Number Rules

Number Rules

Слайд 24

Number Rules

I am thinking of a rule about numbers. It might be

Number Rules I am thinking of a rule about numbers. It might
'numbers with a 5 in the hundredths place' or 'numbers higher than 10 000'.

Can you work out the rule I am thinking of?

I will ask the people who have written a number that follows the rule to stand up, holding their boards so everyone else can see their numbers.

Look around at the numbers.
Can you spot the rule?
What do all the numbers have in common?
Try to write a number that you think fits the rule.

We will repeat this until everyone has a number that fits the rule!

Write a number on your whiteboard and hold it up.

Слайд 25

Find Your Partner

Find Your Partner

Слайд 26

Find Your Partner

I am going to give each person a card. On

Find Your Partner I am going to give each person a card.
your card you will have either three terms from a sequence, or a sequence with three missing terms.
Your task is to find your partner to match the sequence with the correct terms.

Can you move around the classroom to find your partner?

Be careful!
The terms on the
cards might not
be in order.

Слайд 27

Get in Line

Get in Line

Слайд 28

Get in Line

Each person has a number card.
Your whole class challenge is

Get in Line Each person has a number card. Your whole class
to stand in a line so that all your numbers are in order from smallest to biggest!

You can show your number card to others, but you are not allowed to talk.

Слайд 29

Dice Dilemma

Dice Dilemma

Слайд 30

Dice Dilemma

On your Dice Dilemma Activity Sheet, you will see several blank

Dice Dilemma On your Dice Dilemma Activity Sheet, you will see several
number comparisons like this one:

You need to work with a partner to roll a dice to make each number comparison true.
Think carefully about where you place each digit as you roll the dice.

Слайд 31

Fraction Action

Fraction Action

Слайд 32

Fraction Action

Each person in your group has a fraction card.
Unfortunately the fractions

Fraction Action Each person in your group has a fraction card. Unfortunately
are mixed up!
You need to rearrange your group so that the fractions are in order.

Take care: some of the fractions have different denominators. You will need to convert them to equivalent fractions so that they all have the same denominator.

Слайд 33

Numbers in Words

Numbers in Words

Слайд 34

Numbers in Words

Can you solve these calculations using words?

What is six thousand

Numbers in Words Can you solve these calculations using words? What is
less than one million?

Nine hundred and ninety-four thousand.

What is fifteen less than ten million?

Nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and eighty-five.

What is five hundred less than five hundred thousand?

Four hundred and ninety-nine thousand, five hundred.

What is thirty thousand less than three million?

Two million, nine hundred and seventy thousand.

Слайд 35

Magic Negatives

Magic Negatives

Слайд 36

Magic Negatives

Look at this magic square involving negative numbers.
Can you spot

Magic Negatives Look at this magic square involving negative numbers. Can you
any patterns in the rows, columns or diagonals?









Слайд 37

Magic Negatives

The totals of each row, column and diagonal are equal.

Magic Negatives The totals of each row, column and diagonal are equal.
all add up to the same amount.









Слайд 38

Magic Negatives

Can you complete the magic squares on the Magic Negatives Activity

Magic Negatives Can you complete the magic squares on the Magic Negatives
Sheet so that the totals of each row, column and diagonal are equal? You can use negative numbers and you can use each number more than once.

Слайд 39

Negative Number Line Loop Cards

Negative Number Line Loop Cards

Слайд 40

Negative Number Line Loop Cards

On the left side of your loop card,

Negative Number Line Loop Cards On the left side of your loop
you will see two number lines. Each number line has an arrow pointing to it. Work out the number each arrow is pointing to and the difference between the two numbers.
On the right side of your loop card, you will see a difference.
I will choose one person to stand up and read out their difference. If the difference shown on your number lines matches this, stand up! Then, read out your difference.
Can you get all the way round the class, matching the differences shown on the number lines?
Имя файла: Maths.-Number-and-Place-Value.pptx
Количество просмотров: 61
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