Слайд 2Happy New /njuː/ Year /jɪər/

Слайд 3It is Monday
we are decorating the Christmas tree.
Christmas tree

Слайд 4It is Tuesday
We are decorating the door with a wreath.
Wreath /riːθ/

Слайд 5It is Wednesday
We are decorating the house with lights.
Lights /laɪt/

Слайд 6It is Thursday
We are ringing the bells.

Слайд 7It is Friday
We are making cookies.

Слайд 8It is Saturday
We are hanging stockings.
Stocking /ˈstɒk.ɪŋ/

Слайд 9It is Sunday
We are waiting for Santa Claus.
Santa Claus /ˈsæn.tə ˌklɔːz/

Слайд 11We will ring those Christmas bells so loud and clear
We will

ring those Christmas bells so loud and clear
Слайд 12We will hear the dingle dingle
When they jingle jingle
Yes, we'll ring

those Christmas bells so loud and clear
Слайд 13We will ring those Christmas bells so quietly
We will ring those

Christmas bells so quietly
Слайд 14We will hear the dingle dingle
When they jingle jingle
Yes, we will

ring those Christmas bells so quietly
Слайд 15Watch the video and sing along.

Слайд 16What date is it today?
It is the twelfth of December.
Two-twelve – twenty

Слайд 17How is the weather in winter?
It’s cold and snowy.

Слайд 20I’m a little snowflake,
Small and white.
When the moon is shining
I’m sparkling and
