Neurology. Spinal cord

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Spinal cord

Spinal cord

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Spinal cord compression

Metastasis (lung, breast, prostate, lymphoma)
Primary bone tumor (multiple myeloma and

Spinal cord compression Causes: Metastasis (lung, breast, prostate, lymphoma) Primary bone tumor
osteogenic sarcoma)
Thoracic spine between (60-80%)
Clinical: back pain (worse with recumbency); limb weakness; radicular pain, sensory changes; urinary and bowel dysfunction; paralysis of limbs below the level of compression

Diagnosis: MRI whole spine
Treatment: steroids (high dose dexamethasone ), radiation therapy, surgery(decompression)

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Cauda equina syndrome

Extreme pressure and swelling of the nerves at the

Cauda equina syndrome Extreme pressure and swelling of the nerves at the
end of the spinal cord
Nerve Root levels
Lumbar(L2-L5), Sacral (S1-S5), Coccygeal(C0)

Risk factors:
Low back injury
Central dick herniation
Central spinal stenosis
Spinal fracture
Ankylosing spondylitis

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Cauda equina syndrome

Signs and symptoms:
Severe low back pain, motor weakness ,

Cauda equina syndrome Signs and symptoms: Severe low back pain, motor weakness
sensory loss , radicular pain, saddle anesthesia (S3-S5),
Bladder dysfunction, bowel incontinence, sexual dysfunction
Diagnosis: MRI of spinal cord
Treatment: surgery - decompression

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A cavity formed in the brainstem or spinal cord, containing CSF

Syringomyelia A cavity formed in the brainstem or spinal cord, containing CSF

congenital (Arnold-Chiari II Malformation)

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Anterior white commissure of spinothalamic tract
pain, pressure, temperature, crude touch
Lower motor neurons

Syringomyelia Anterior white commissure of spinothalamic tract pain, pressure, temperature, crude touch

corticospinal tract
Muscle atrophy
Muscle weakness
Dorsal column
Fine touch

Destruction of the spinothalamic tract
Bilateral loss pain and temperature
(cape-like distribution)
Lower motor neuron damage
Weakness, muscle atrophy and paralysis
Scoliosis and Charcot joints

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Diagnosis: MRI
(Chiari malformation/spinal tumors)
Treatment: surgery
Chiari malformation – posterior fossa decompression
Hydrocephalus –

Syringomyelia Diagnosis: MRI (Chiari malformation/spinal tumors) Treatment: surgery Chiari malformation – posterior
shunt, catheter to drain syrinx

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Friedreich’s ataxia

inherited condition of the nervous system characterized by the gradual loss

Friedreich’s ataxia inherited condition of the nervous system characterized by the gradual
of coordination
Impaired mitochondrial function
Ataxia, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Diabetes mellitus
Difficulty walking, muscle weakness, loss of proprioception, fatigue, hear failure, losing vision and hearing

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Friedreich’s ataxia

Diagnosis: genetic testing
MRI of brain and spinal cord, echocardiography
Treatment: no cure

Friedreich’s ataxia Diagnosis: genetic testing MRI of brain and spinal cord, echocardiography
managed: physical therapy

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Paraplegic patient management

The primary goals of rehabilitation are
prevention of secondary complications

Paraplegic patient management The primary goals of rehabilitation are prevention of secondary
of physical functioning
reintegration into the community

Сoncomitant diseases
Pressure ulcer
common location of pressure injury is over the sacrum
Atelectasis and/or pneumonia
Deep vein thrombosis
Pulmonary embolus
Autonomic dysreflexia (hyperreflexia)
Urinary tract infection
Cardiometabolic syndrome (obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia)

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Paraplegic patient management

Thromboembolic Disease
Venous imaging with ultrasonography
Pneumatic compression devices for

Paraplegic patient management Thromboembolic Disease Venous imaging with ultrasonography Pneumatic compression devices
the first 2 weeks->compression hose
Unfractionated heparin (UFH; 5000 units SC every 12 hours) or a low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH; 30 mg SC every 12 hours) for 2-3 months following injury
Placement of a caval filter

Autonomic Dysfunction
Orthostatic blood pressure changes (weakness, light-headedness, and fainting)
gradual mobilization, liberal sodium intake, use of compression hose, and an abdominal binder
Symptomatic bradycardia
intravenous (IV) atropine
Autonomic hyperreflexia
(a profound headache in the presence of elevated blood pressure)
noxious stimulus: bladder distention and bowel distention
prophylaxis with alpha-blocking agents

Имя файла: Neurology.-Spinal-cord.pptx
Количество просмотров: 61
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