Слайд 3The mission of our company is to contribute to the development of

the world economy, ensuring the delivery of the desired product in the required quantity and quality in the right place at the right time on all continents for a particular consumer at the best cost.
Слайд 4Efficient and effective inventory movement in the supply chain and expansion of

the required level of customer service at minimum cost.
Слайд 5delivery of the necessary goods of a certain
quality in the required quantity;

2) the time determined by the contract
3) specified place of delivery;
4) minimization of total costs.
Слайд 6 organizational structure of personal
Manager-logistician of the enterprise
selection of transportation routes
choose shipping

customs operations
trucking industry
Слайд 7Requirements of the staff
1.Manager-logistician of the enterprise
Planning of transportation routes and the

order of transportation of certain goods.
The choice of carrier.
Preparation of relevant documents.
Constant monitoring and tracking of the transportation process.
2. Transporter
obtaining documents for export / import of goods;
customs formalities;
checking the quantity and condition of the cargo;
loading / unloading of vehicles
3. Operator(transportation)
Higher education. PC ownership, knowledge of office programs and 1C.
Knowledge of the basics of document management.
Knowledge of transport legislation.
Experience in the specialty or related fields.
Слайд 8Responsibility of the staff
1.Manager-logistician of the enterprise
1. Implements, establishes operations of

the logistics systems of the organization.
2. Makes plans, forecasts of supply of goods.
3. Analyzes the terms of supply contracts
4. Is timely placing orders for delivery.
5. Supervises the conclusion of contracts with transport companies, the fulfillment of their conditions and the results of deliveries
2. Transporter
to plan the logistics system, make a forecast of its activities;
calculates logistics costs, develops a budget and monitors its implementation;
plans and searches for suppliers, prepares agreements with them on the purchase of products;
analyzes all the provisions of supply contracts;
sets the dates and types of payments in accordance with the agreements;
3. Operator(transportation)
Develop transportation plans.
To organize technological process of transportation (transfer of cargoes to carriers, control of delivery of cargoes to consignees, coordination of cargo handling works).
To ensure the document flow of transport and technological process; to analyze the quality of transportation and timely delivery of goods.
Determine the need for product shipments.