Тренажер устной части. ВПР-7


Слайд 2



Знакомство с ВПР.




Устная часть.
Чтение текста вслух.

Устная часть.
Описание картинки + шаблоны

Тренировочные варианты


Содержание 4 Знакомство с ВПР. 1 2 3 Устная часть. Чтение текста

Слайд 3

90 сек-подготовка
2 мин-ответ



90 сек-подготовка
90 сек- чтение

Чтение текста

Устная часть

Max-2 балла

Max-8 баллов

90 сек-подготовка 2 мин-ответ Заг Описание картинки 90 сек-подготовка 90 сек- чтение

Слайд 4



7 мин


Письменная часть

30 мин

Max-5 баллов

Max-5 баллов

Max-10 баллов

Грамматика+ лексика Текст (установление соответствий) 7 мин Аудирование Письменная часть 30 мин

Слайд 5

Устная часть

Чтение текста

Устная часть Чтение текста вслух

Слайд 6

1.Просмотрите текст и разделите его на условные сегменты.
2. Используйте повышающую интонацию

1.Просмотрите текст и разделите его на условные сегменты. 2. Используйте повышающую интонацию
для перечисления и понижающую интонацию для утвердительных предложений.
3. Сначала прочитайте текст для себя, а затем прочитайте его вслух.
4.Не читайте текст слишком медленно или слишком быстро.
5. Будьте осторожны со временем. У вас есть 1,5 минуты на подготовку и 1,5 минуты на чтение.

Слайд 7





Physical Education is one of the subjects taught at school. Students do

90 45 0 Reading Physical Education is one of the subjects taught
many different sports, exercises, and activities. There are many types of physical fitness. Physical education keeps kids and adults fit and active. It is very important for their health and well-being.
Scientists have shown that brain development and physical exercise go hand in hand. Physical education can help academic success. It is important to educate people in the field of healthy and smart ways to stay active.

Слайд 8





The Internet entered the life of people in the 20th century. It

90 45 0 Reading The Internet entered the life of people in
took us less than ten years to face the fact of its spreading all over the world, including the developing countries. It has become not only the hugest information resource in the world, but one of the most rapid means of communication. People from different countries have got an opportunity to communicate with each other in quite a short time. In comparison with a snail-mail or even airmail, an e-mail gets over distance and time, borders of states with a fascinating speed.
Thus, people get closer to each other. Now they have got a chance to get to know each other better, to become aware of what is common among nations and unites them, and what is different.

Слайд 9





Sleep is food for the brain. During sleeping, important body functions and

90 45 0 Reading Sleep is food for the brain. During sleeping,
brain activity occur. Skipping sleep can be really harmful. You can look bad, you may feel moody, perform poorly. Sleepiness can make it hard to get along with your family and friends and hurt your scores on school exams. Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night to function best. Unfortunately, most teens do not get enough sleep.
Not getting enough sleep or having sleep difficulties can limit your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. You may even forget important information like names, numbers, your homework or a date with a special person in your life. Moreover, lack of sleep can lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior.

Слайд 10





The earth's soil is home to large populations of natural agents that

90 45 0 Reading The earth's soil is home to large populations
help promote the environment. While mushrooms have the ability to support Mother Nature, they are also capable of promoting our own health, from helping strengthen our immune system to preventing some diseases. One study showed that substituting red meat with mushrooms may support a healthy weight. So, adding more mushrooms to your diet may help improve diet quality.
What is more, many medications are derived from mushrooms. Studies show that mushrooms have cancer-fighting properties.
At the same time, not all mushrooms may be good for our health. Some species are toxic and can cause serious health problems. We should avoid eating these harmful varieties of mushrooms at all costs.

Слайд 11





Scientists have discovered that being an only child doesn't just lead to

90 45 0 Reading Scientists have discovered that being an only child
differences in behaviour. It actually influences a child's brain development. The participants in this latest study were given tests to measure their intelligence and personality. In addition, their brains were scanned with special machines.
Although the results didn't show any difference in intelligence between the two groups, they did reveal that only children are more flexible in their thinking. But according to personality tests, they are not always really nice people.
As for the brain scanning, only children had more volume in the areas associated with language understanding. By contrast, the brains of only children had less volume in the areas which are responsible for emotions.

Слайд 12

Описание картинки
план описания, шаблоны

Описание картинки план описания, шаблоны

Слайд 14


I want to describe this picture (picture number …)
The picture was taken

Шаблоны I want to describe this picture (picture number …) The picture
at school/ at home/ in the park/outside
In the picture I can see….
There is/are….
He/she has got fair/dark hair.
He/she is wearing …….
He/she is good-looking.
In the middle we can see…
In the foreground we can see…
In the background we can see…
The weather is nice. The sun is shining. I guess it’s warm.
I like this picture because it makes me think of summer/winter holidays/my family/friends…
That’s all I wanted to say.

Слайд 16

Описание действия
In the foreground you can see a family/group of people/boy/girl having

Описание действия In the foreground you can see a family/group of people/boy/girl
a family dinner/working on computer/doing sport activities/having a rest after work.
That is how he/she/they usually spends/spend weekends/free time/day at work. He/she/they is/are smiling/talking to/sitting/lying/standing next to/holding smth/cooking/reading/listening to smth or smb/driving/riding a bike.
Описание внешности человека/людей на картинке
The man looks happy/unhappy. He/she is beautiful. They are beautiful/ugly. He/she has big brown/green eyes. His/her/their face is pretty. He/she/they is/are tall, short, fat, slim. He/she/they is/are wearing light/warm simple/fashionable blue/yellow/dark/red/orange/white/green/black clothes/skirt/trousers/suit/t-shirt/shirt.

Слайд 17


— the place
— the action
— the appearance of the person
— whether you

PLAN — the place — the action — the appearance of the
like the picture or not
— why

Слайд 18

I’d like to describe picture number 2. The picture shows us a

I’d like to describe picture number 2. The picture shows us a
girl. The photo was (probably) taken outside. In this picture the action is taking place in the park. Looking at this girl I get the impression that she is reading a book. The girl looks like she is about 15 years old. She is slim. Her hair is dark. She is wearing a fair blouse and a dark skirt.
I guess she is quiet and kind, because she has a beautiful smile.
I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful. It makes me think of summer.


Слайд 19


I’d like to describe picture № 3. The picture shows us a

Example I’d like to describe picture № 3. The picture shows us
girl. The photo was (probably) taken inside. In this picture the action is taking place in the supermarket. Looking at this picture I get the impression that she is choosing her favorite products. The girl is holding her cart. She is standing in front of the counter. The girl is wearing casual clothes. She looks like she is about 17 years old. She is slim. Her hair is dark. I guess she is serious and kind, because she has a beautiful smile.
I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful. It makes me think of my sister.

Слайд 20


I’d like to describe picture № 3. The picture shows us a

Example I’d like to describe picture № 3. The picture shows us
hockey match. The photo was (probably) taken inside. In this picture the action is taking place on the hockey rink. Looking at this picture I get the impression that they are competing. They are wearing special hockey equipment. The boys look like they are about 10 years old. They are short but strong. I guess they are ambitious and competitive, because they look very determined. I like the picture because the atmosphere is enthusiastic. It makes me think of my brother.

Слайд 21

2 min

1 min


— the place
— the action
— the appearance of the

2 min 1 min 0 — the place — the action —
— whether you like the picture or not
— why
Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”

Слайд 22

2 min

1 min





— the place
— the action
— the person's appearance
— whether

2 min 1 min 0 1 2 3 — the place —
you like the picture or not
— why
Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”

Слайд 23

2 min

1 min


— the place
— the action
— the person's appearance
— whether

2 min 1 min 0 — the place — the action —
you like the picture or not
— why




Слайд 24

2 min

1 min





2 min 1 min 0 1 2 3
Имя файла: Тренажер-устной-части.-ВПР-7.pptx
Количество просмотров: 74
Количество скачиваний: 0