Passive voice (пассивный залог) to be+v3


Слайд 2

PRESENT SIMPLE простое, неопределенное
To be (am, is, are) +Vз

PRESENT SIMPLE простое, неопределенное To be (am, is, are) +Vз The tests
The tests are written by the students every week.
To be (was, were) +Vз
The test was written by the students last week.
To be (will be) + Vз
The test will be written by the students tomorrow.

Слайд 3

(to be + V ing)
To be (am, is,

PRESENT CONTINUOUS продолженное (to be + V ing) To be (am, is,
are) + being + Vз
The tests are being written by the students now.
To be (was, were) being+Vз
The test was being written by the students for two hours yesterday.
To be (will be) + being +Vз
The test will be being written by the students from 10 till 11 tomorrow .

Слайд 4

(have, has + Vз)
have, has + been +

PRESENT PERFECT завершенное (have, has + Vз) have, has + been +

The tests have already been written by the students.
had + been + Vз
The test had been written by the students by the end of the lesson yesterday.
will have + been +Vз
The reports will have been written by the students by tomorrow.

Слайд 5

В английском языке имеется только один способ выражения страдательного залога, в

В английском языке имеется только один способ выражения страдательного залога, в русском
русском языке существует три способа его передачи:
а) при помощи глагола быть и краткой формы причастия страдательного залога. (Этот способ аналогичен способу выражения страдательного залога в английском языке
б) глаголами, оканчивающимися на -ся: дом строится, дом строился, дом будет строиться;
в) неопределенно-личным оборотом с глаголом в действительном залоге в 3-м лице множественного числа: дом строят, дом стро­или, дом будут строить.
Иногда английский страдательный оборот можно перевести двумя или даже всеми тремя способами в зависимости от соответствующего русского глагола и контекста:
I was invited to the concert.
1. Я был приглашен на концерт.
2. Меня пригласили на концерт.
The goods were examined yesterday.
1. Товары были осмотрены вчера.
2. Товары осматривались вчера.
3. Товары осмотрели (осматривали) вчера.

Слайд 6

1. Hе left for Moscow.
2. They were speaking to him.
3. She

1. Hе left for Moscow. 2. They were speaking to him. 3.
studied many subjects.
4. The film was much spoken about.
5. New subjects will be studied next year.
6. The text has been already written by them.
7. He studies at our college.
8. The text is being translated at the moment.
9. When I saw him, he was going home.
10. This book was written by our teacher.
11. The work will have been done when he comes.
12. We translated this text.
13. The letter had been written before we came.
14. These toys are made by children.
15. The conference will be held in May.
16. What are you doing here?
17. This work must be done at once.
18.I am often asked at the lessons by the teacher. 

Слайд 7

1.Those books (return) to the library yesterday. 

1.Those books (return) to the library yesterday.

Слайд 8

1.Those books were returned to the library yesterday. 
To be (was,

1.Those books were returned to the library yesterday. PAST SIMPLE To be
were) +Vз
2. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month. 

Слайд 9

2. The paintings will have been exhibited till the end of the

2. The paintings will have been exhibited till the end of the
will have + been +Vз
3.Why your home task (not do)?

Слайд 10

3.Why has your home task not been done?

3.Why has your home task not been done? PRESENT PERFECT have, has
has + been + Vз
4. The patient (take) to the hospital today an (operate) tomorrow morning.

Слайд 11

4. The patient has been taken to the hospital today and will

4. The patient has been taken to the hospital today and will
be operated tomorrow morning.
have, has + been + Vз To be (will be) + Vз
5. This room (use) only on special occasions.

Слайд 12

5. This room is used only on special occasions.
To be

5. This room is used only on special occasions. PRESENT SIMPLE To
(is, am, are) +Vз
6. We (tell) about it already.

Слайд 13

6. We have been told about it already.
have, has +

6. We have been told about it already. PRESENT PERFECT have, has
been + Vз
7. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination. 

Слайд 14

7. Dictionaries may not be used at the examination. 
8. Usually the experiments

7. Dictionaries may not be used at the examination. 8. Usually the
(carry out) every day, but they (not carry out) yesterday. 

Слайд 15

8. Usually the experiments are carried every day, but they were not

8. Usually the experiments are carried every day, but they were not
carried yesterday.
To be (am, is, are) +Vз
To be (was, were) +Vз
9. The report (tell) by the student from my group to the audience at the moment.

Слайд 16

9. The report is being told by the student from my group

9. The report is being told by the student from my group
to the audience at the moment.
To be (am, is, are) + being + Vз
10. This text (translate) by 9 o’clock tomorrow.

Слайд 17

10. This text will have been translated by 9 o’clock tomorrow.

10. This text will have been translated by 9 o’clock tomorrow. FUTURE

will have + been +Vз
Имя файла: Passive-voice-(пассивный-залог)-to-be+v3.pptx
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