Слайд 4

Peterhof, engraving of A.I.Rostovtsev 1717.
The palace of Peter I. arch. J.-B. Leblon.

Peterhof, engraving of A.I.Rostovtsev 1717. The palace of Peter I. arch. J.-B.
stamp of Zubov's panorama of 1716.
The initial appearance of the palace before the reorganization of Zh.B.-A. Leblond in 1717.

Слайд 5

View of the Grand Palace in Peterhof from the Gulf of Finland.

View of the Grand Palace in Peterhof from the Gulf of Finland.
The left part. Painted engraving from the drawing of M.I. Makhaeva, 1761
Artemiev, Prokofy Artemyevich; Chelnakov, Nikita Fedorovich

Слайд 6

View of the Grand Palace in Peterhof from the Gulf of Finland.

View of the Grand Palace in Peterhof from the Gulf of Finland.
Right side, 1761
Artemiev, Prokofy Artemyevich; Chelnakov, Nikita Fedorovich

Слайд 8

Peterhof in the end of the Great Patriotic War

Peterhof in the end of the Great Patriotic War

Слайд 10

Architecture and sights

Architecture and sights

Слайд 11

The State Museum-Reserve "Peterhof"

The State Museum-Reserve "Peterhof"

Слайд 12

The Lower Park from the Great Peterhof Palace


The Lower Park from the Great Peterhof Palace Panorama

Слайд 13

Frauleyn houses

Neptune Fountain on the background
The Great Peterhof Palace

Sculptures in the Upper

Frauleyn houses Neptune Fountain on the background The Great Peterhof Palace Sculptures in the Upper Garden

Слайд 14

View of the Great Peterhof Palace
and the Great Cascade
in the alignment of

View of the Great Peterhof Palace and the Great Cascade in the
the Sea Canal

A Large Greenhouse

The Monplaisir Palace

The Marley Palace

Слайд 15

The Grand Cascade with the “Samson” Fountain

The pair fountains “Chasha”

The fountain

The Grand Cascade with the “Samson” Fountain The pair fountains “Chasha” The
“Marble Benches”

The “Voronikhinsky Colonnades”

The Sea Canal with the Alley of Fountains

Слайд 16

Alexandria Park

Palace Cottage

Farm Palace

The Gothic chapel

Alexandria Park Palace Cottage Farm Palace The Gothic chapel

Слайд 17

Kolonist Park

Tsaritsyn Pavilion

Holguin Pavilion

Kolonist Park Tsaritsyn Pavilion Holguin Pavilion
Имя файла: Peterhof.pptx
Количество просмотров: 44
Количество скачиваний: 0