Physiology of dream


Слайд 2

Main questions of theme 1. Dream. Types of dream 2. Functions of

Main questions of theme 1. Dream. Types of dream 2. Functions of
dream 3.Phases of dream 4. Нейроанатомия of dream 5. Dream

Слайд 3


A dream is the physiological state that is characterized the

WHAT DREAM? A dream is the physiological state that is characterized the
loss of active psychical connections of subject with the surrounding him world. A dream is vitally necessary for higher animals and man.

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Types of dream : 1. Physiological day's dream 2. Seasonal dream

Types of dream : 1. Physiological day's dream 2. Seasonal dream for
for animals 3.Hypnotic dream 4.Narcotic dream 5.Pathological dream

Слайд 5


A dream provides rest of organism.
A dream plays

FUNCTIONS OF DREAM A dream provides rest of organism. A dream plays
an important role the processes of metabolism.
A dream assists processing and storage of information.
A dream is this adaptation of organism to the change of luminosity (day-night).
A dream restores immunity by activation

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Phases of dream

Slow(slowly-wave) dream

(paradoxical) dream

Phases of dream Slow(slowly-wave) dream Rapid (paradoxical) dream

Слайд 7

Were open Н. Kileymanov and U. Azerinsk in 1952г

Slow dream (75%)

Were open Н. Kileymanov and U. Azerinsk in 1952г Slow dream (75%)
The first stage is drowsiness is a quite shallow dream to 5 minutes.
Second stage - to 20 minutes.
The third stage is deep sleep.
The fourth stage of dream is yet more deep sleep.
Rapid (paradoxical) dream (25%)
In 20-30 minutes after deep sleep.

phases of dreаm

Слайд 8


Structures, providing development
slow dream:
front departments of hypothalamus

НЕЙРОАНАТОМИЯ СНА Structures, providing development slow dream: front departments of hypothalamus (преоптические
(преоптические kernels);
heterospecific kernels of таламуса;
kernels of guy-sutures (contain a тормозный neurohumor serotonin);
тормозный center Моруцци (middle part of bridge).

Слайд 9

Centers of rapid dream :

blue spot;
vestibular kernels of oblong brain;

Centers of rapid dream : blue spot; vestibular kernels of oblong brain;
overhead двухолмие of mesencephalon;
reticular structure of mesencephalon (centers of БДГ).

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blue spot (stimulation is awakening);

CENTERS, REGULATIVE THE CYCLE OF DREAM : blue spot (stimulation is awakening);
separate areas of bark of large hemispheres.

Слайд 11

A dream is subjective perception of some reality, that

DREAM A dream is subjective perception of some reality, that can plug
can plug in itself images, sounds, voices, words, ideas or feeling during a dream.
A dream and dreams play an important role maintenance of our mental and physical health.
We dream inphase rapid dream.

Слайд 12

Somnambulism (is sleepwalking

Arises up during the incomplete awakening from deep sleep.

Somnambulism (is sleepwalking Arises up during the incomplete awakening from deep sleep.

For children meets often enough, but with age passes usually.
About 2% people periodically walk in sleep .

Слайд 13

Lethargic dream

Any dream more than 24 hours is

Lethargic dream Any dream more than 24 hours is a lethargic dream.
a lethargic dream.

Lethargic - in translation "hibernation" means from Greek.
Lethargic - this sickly state of immobility, outwardly reminding a dream.
Lethargic - this deep braking of motive areas of bark. At such state a pulse is barely caught, breathing weak, the temperature of body falls down

Слайд 14

Hypnosis (artificial dream

Force of suggestion is great. Through a word

Hypnosis (artificial dream Force of suggestion is great. Through a word it
it is possible to influence on activity of our internal organs and treat them.
Now widely use an electrosleep. On the closed eyelids electrodes are laid on a patient and skip a weak current. Hypnotizing a patient, he is after treated by suggestion

Слайд 15

Regular evening walks are needed before a dream.
It is necessary to air

Regular evening walks are needed before a dream. It is necessary to
room before a dream.
To lie down to sleep every night at one and the same time.
Together with a clothing it is necessary to throw down all daily caring.
It is impossible densely to have a supper before a dream, drink strong tea or coffee.
And remember, a too long dream is also harmful to the healthy organism!

Hygiene of dream

Слайд 17

And in a conclusion, I would like to mark that a

And in a conclusion, I would like to mark that a dream
dream is absolutely necessary inalienable part of life of man, the physiological value of that consists of rest of body, strengthening of motor functions, memory, fixing of skills.


Слайд 18


  1. Alexander Markov. During the phase of slow dream new

LITERATURE 1. Alexander Markov. During the phase of slow dream new knowledge
knowledge are actively fastened. - 21.03.2007.
2. Пигарев of И. Н. the Висцеральная theory of dream // Magazine of higher nervous activity. - 2013. - Т. 63, № 1. - С. 86-104.
3. Shorthand record and videotape recording of public lecture of doctor of biological sciences, main research worker of Laboratory of information transfer in the sensory systems of ИППИ of WOUNDS of Ivan Пигарева.
4. Wayne А. М. Dream. Secrets and paradoxes. - М.: Эйдос of Medias, 2003.
5. Brian Клег, Paul Бич. Intensive course: DEVELOPMENT of PERSONALITY. М., АСТ-Астрель, 2004.
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