- 2. Pronounce the words correctly: [a:] [ju:] [∫] [t∫] art you sharpener picture ask computer bookshelf teacher
- 3. Find the words: [’kla:srum] - [’blækbo:d] - [’buk∫elf] - [’pikt∫ə] - [’∫a:pnə] - [’dik∫ənəri] - sharpener
- 4. [kəm’pju:tə] - [’ru:lə] - [peints] - [’eksəsaizֽbuk] - [’ti:t∫ə] - [’pju:pl] - [æk’tivitiֽbuk] - [kə’setri’ko:də] -
- 5. Make up sentences with the words: 1. count, from, Jim, 1 to 10, can. 2. learn,
- 6. 4. friend, retell, my, text, tomorrow, this, will. 5. sister, to ask, likes, little, questions, my,
- 7. Learn new words: naughty [’no:ti] – непослушный classmates [’kla:sֽmeits] – одноклассники there is something good about
- 8. What does Ann like? Ann is eleven. Ann is the pupil of the fifth form. She
- 9. Why does Paul like school? Paul likes to go to school. His favourite subject is PT
- 10. Speaking Ask your partner questions to find out: if he/she likes to go to school; what
- 12. Скачать презентацию