Russian Federation

Слайд 2

The Map of Russia

The Map of Russia

Слайд 3

Antiquities древности
Approve by одобрен к.-л.
Attract привлекать
Bill проект закона
Border граница
Branch ветвь, отрасль
Chamber палата

Antiquities древности Approve by одобрен к.-л. Attract привлекать Bill проект закона Border
Court суд
Current population текущее население
Densely peopled густонаселенный
Deposits залежи
Elect выбирать
Executive исполнительный
Fine Arts изобразительное искусство
Fortress крепость
Frontier settlement приграничное поселение
Government правительство
Hold reception проводить прием
Judicial юридический, судебный

Keep up придерживаться, соблюдать
Leading power ведущая держава
Legislative законодательный
Lent пост
Major главный, основной
Masterpiece шедевр
Mountain chain горная цепь
Origin происхождение
Outskirts окраины
Pancakes блины
Supreme Court Верховный суд
Surround окружать
Target цель
Total area общая территория
Transfer переносить
Treaty договор
Valley долина
Vary различаться, варьироваться
Vast огромный
Wealthy богатый, благополучный

The Glossary

Слайд 4

Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. The

Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. The vast
vast territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.
Russia is washed by 3 oceans and 12 seas. Russia borders on many countries, such as Mongolia and China in the south-east, Finland and Norway in the north-west and others.
The land of Russia varies very much from forests to deserts, from high mountains to deep valleys. The main mountain chains are the Urals, the Caucasus and the Altai. There are a lot of great rivers in the world and its water is the purest on Earth.
The Russian Federation is rich in natural and mineral resources. It has deposits of oil, gas, coal, iron, gold and many others.
The current population of Russia is more than 140 million people. The European part of the country is densely peopled, and most population live in cities and towns and the outskirts.
The capital of Russia is Moscow, with the population of about 10 million people.
Russia is a presidential republic. It is one of the leading powers in the world.


Слайд 5

White – blue - and –red banner
The coat – of arms –

White – blue - and –red banner The coat – of arms
–headed eagle

The State Symbols of Russia

Слайд 6

Russia is a parliamentary republic. The head of the state is

Russia is a parliamentary republic. The head of the state is the
the President. The government consist of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The President controls each of them.
The legislative power is exercised by the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma. Each Chamber is headed by the Speaker. A bill may be introduced in any chamber. A bill becomes a law if it is approved by both chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill. He can make international treaties. The President may also appoint the ministers; the Federal Assembly approves them. The members of the Federal Assembly are elected by the people for 4 years.
The executive power belongs to the Government, or the Cabinet of Ministers. The government is headed by the Prime Minister.
The judicial power belongs to the system of courts. It consists of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and other courts.
The National Symbol of Russia is a white-blue and red banner. The coat -of- arms of the Russian Federation is the double - headed eagle.

The State System of Russia

Слайд 7

The State Power Organs

The State Power Organs

Слайд 8

Russian people keep up a lot of folk traditions. Many of

Russian people keep up a lot of folk traditions. Many of them
them are of religious origin based on Christianity: Christmas, Lent and Easter.
A well-known Easter tradition is painting eggs bright colours to symbolize springtime and life and playing an Easter egg game.
Another interesting Russian folk Tradition is Maslenitsa or pancake week. It is a combination of Christian and Pagan Traditions and is the last week before the Lent. The essential element of Maslenitsa celebrations is Russian Pancakes, rich in butter, eggs and milk. They are usually eaten with cream or caviar. For many Christians Maslenitsa is the last chance to eat tasty food before the seven week Lent.
But the most favourite holiday in Russia is the New Year. People start preparations for this holiday long before it. They buy presents for their family member, friends and relatives. Streets and offices are brightly decorated with fires, slogans, New Year trees, ice and snow figures. A day or two before the holiday people decorate a New Year tree at home. Usually the Russians see the New Year in at home or at their friends or relatives. The tables are rich in food: meet, vegetable, fruit, salads and other delicious things.
Christmas in Russia is on the seventh of January. It is not so popular as in English-speaking countries, but now the Russians have a week New-Year and Christmas holidays and many people prefer to go on short Christmas tours anywhere.
There are many other traditions in Russia, but most of them are connected with state holidays, such as Women's day. The Russian Army's Day, Victory Day, Constitution day, the 1st of May.

Russian Traditions

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