Слайд 2Introduction
Solar cells are designed to convert solar energy into electrical energy.

Слайд 3Second generation thin film solar cells
Thin film solar cells are introduced and

developed as the second generation of solar cells to provide high production capacity at lower energy and material consumption
Слайд 44
This type of solar cell is made on cheap, large area such

as glass, metal foil or plastic.
Слайд 5та
The absorber materials
amorphous silicon
cadmium telluride
In 1976, three separate research

groups had formed the thin-film cell. Each group had used different absorber materials.
Слайд 6та
CIGS cell structure
Copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar cells are multilayer thin film devices

with nanocrystalline bulk semiconductor as the absorber material.