Слайд 2

On, dog, log, fog, fox, not, hot, frog, box, lot, lots, stop,

On, dog, log, fog, fox, not, hot, frog, box, lot, lots, stop,
long, pond, rock, got, shop, doll, boy, toy, clock, sock, tock, splosh, soft,


Слайд 3

Bottom, stopping, chocolate, bookshop, shopping, foggy,


Bottom, stopping, chocolate, bookshop, shopping, foggy, Read:

Слайд 4

Ten frogs are in the pond.
Long log stopped the fox.
Lots of socks

Ten frogs are in the pond. Long log stopped the fox. Lots
are in the shop.
Toy fox and toy frog are in the toyshop.
Bob has got lots of long socks in the box.


Имя файла: Short-o.pptx
Количество просмотров: 51
Количество скачиваний: 0