Simply Speaking


Слайд 3

First, take your Stationery boxes and glue the cribs!
Then, let your teacher

First, take your Stationery boxes and glue the cribs! Then, let your
sign in your copybooks!


Слайд 4

Were you born
in October?

Were you born in October?

Слайд 5

The examiners love asking these questions!!!

-What is your favourite animal?
-Do you prefer

The examiners love asking these questions!!! -What is your favourite animal? -Do
cats or dogs? Why?
-What animals do you eat?

-Well, it’s a…
-You know,…
-I think I usually eat…

Animal extremes
In pairs, agree on an animal for each description:

The biggest
The most beautiful
The most dangerous
The fastest
The slowest
The most unusual
The ugliest
The friendliest


(+by far)

Слайд 6

For teens:
In small groups, make up endings for these proverbs.

1.The early

For teens: In small groups, make up endings for these proverbs. 1.The
2.Monkey see,…
3.Let sleeping dogs…
4.Don’t look a gift horse…
5.Don’t count your chickens…
6.When the cats away,…

…before they hatched.(A)
…the mice will play.(B)
…in the mouth.(C)
…monkey do.(D)
…catches the worm.(E)

1-E 2-D 3-F 4-C 5-A 6-B

Cover the proverbs and try to say them looking at the picture!

Answers :

Слайд 8

Draw the time by yourself!

Draw the time by yourself!

Слайд 9

Show the answers with the help of two pens on the screen!!!

Show the answers with the help of two pens on the screen!!!

Слайд 10

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду 06.10.2021/ четверг 07.10.2021/пятницу 08.10.2021.

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду 06.10.2021/ четверг 07.10.2021/пятницу 08.10.2021. Сделать
на понедельник 11.10.2021/вторник 12.10.2021/среду 13.10.2021.
1.“Универсальная лексика”(Copy all the synonyms in the copybook!)
2.Write the article(+plan)
Use “Универсальная лексика”!!! (Send in Whatsapp and VK groups!!!)
3.PET reading
4. Take photos “Anapa’s October”. Comment them in English.
(Send in WhatsApp!!!)

Your Hometask:

Слайд 11

The answers can be in different parts of the text!!!!

The answers can be in different parts of the text!!!!

Слайд 12

Find the proof in the text!

Find the proof in the text!

Слайд 13

What is strange in the picture?

What is strange in the picture?

Слайд 14

Find the proof in the text!

Find the proof in the text!

Слайд 15

What is strange in the picture?

What is strange in the picture?

Слайд 16

Find the proof in the text!

Find the proof in the text!

Слайд 17

-What can it be?
-It can be…

-What can it be? -It can be…

Слайд 18

Find the proof in the text!

Find the proof in the text!

Слайд 19

-What can it be?
-It can be…

-What can it be? -It can be…

Слайд 21

You deserve a film!
9-“Jungle Cruise”
Will the Magic tree be beautiful?

You deserve a film! 9-“Jungle Cruise” Will the Magic tree be beautiful?

Слайд 22

PET exam listening

PET exam listening

Слайд 25

PET speaking (part 2)

PET speaking (part 2)

Слайд 27




Две одинаковые карты!!!

____________ ________________________ _________ Две одинаковые карты!!!

Слайд 28



Слайд 29

Article check list!!!
0.Write the plan first!!!! (4 paragraphs!!!) (Introduction, body-1,body-2, conclusion)
00.Don’t copy

Article check list!!! 0.Write the plan first!!!! (4 paragraphs!!!) (Introduction, body-1,body-2, conclusion)
the words from the task!!! Paraphrase!!!
1.Write a catchy title. (Internet: miracle or evil?)
2.Write in a neutral or informal style.(I’d like to …Come up with an idea of…)
3.Introduction can have rhetorical questions.(the 1st paragraph)
Have you ever thought about...? Can you imagine that..?
4.Focus on the given questions (the 2nd, the 3rd paragraphs) Give the examples!!!
First,…Then,…Additionally,…Also,…So,…For example,..Moreover,…
Secondly,…By the way,…For instance,…However,..In addition,…
5.You must use:
-Linking words(look above!)
-Good grammar:
Modals: It must be great to…
Conditionals: If I were…, I would go…/ I wish I had…
Passive: It is said to be… I was impressed by…
Participle 1: Most people do nothing thinking about good luck…
Present Perfect (Cont): I have been thinking about …for all my life but still…
-interesting vocabulary(adjectives)(amazing, incredible, dreadful, nasty…)
6.In final sentences address to the reader.(The 4th paragraph)
You won’t believe…You would never forget…You will not regret it!
Try to be funny or surprising!
To sum up,…To conclude,…In conclusion,…All in all,…On the whole,…
7.Check your article!!!(According to your check list!!!)

Слайд 30

Check the articles on the board!!!

Check the articles on the board!!!

Слайд 31

Your pronunciation is your visit card!

Your pronunciation is your visit card!

Слайд 33

Level 3,4

Level 3,4

Слайд 34

Video for 1 minute!

Attention!!! Danger!!!
Never do it by yourself!!!

Video for 1 minute! Attention!!! Danger!!! Never do it by yourself!!!

Слайд 35

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник/ вторник 11.10.2021/12.10.2021. Сделать на среду/четверг 13.10.2021/14.10.2021.

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник/ вторник 11.10.2021/12.10.2021. Сделать на среду/четверг
Irregular verbs
(Write only those verbs which you don’t remember!)
2. Entry test(grammar)

Your Hometask:

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Количество просмотров: 55
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