Слайд 13The rest of the work
In addition to acting, Stan Lee also works

in other areas of cinema. He acted as a producer in such films as: “Captain America”, “Nick Fury: Agent Sh.I.T.a”, “Blade”, “X-Men”, “Blade 2”, “Spider-Man”, "Daredevil", "X-Men 2", "The Hulk", "The Punisher", "Spider-Man 2", "Blade 3: The Trinity", "Electra", "Leshy", "The Fantastic Four", "X-Men: The Last Battle, Ghost Rider, Spiderman 3: The Enemy in Reflection, Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer Invasion, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Punisher: Territory of War and Iron Man 2 . In addition to the work of producer Stan Lee was even the editor of the video "Spider-Man: The Ultimate Villian Showdown". In 2016, he filmed his own series - "Lucky", the main role of Harry Clayton in it played James Nesbitt