Слайд 2NB!!!!
Transform the bullet points in your task into paragraphs 2-4!!!!!

Слайд 3NB!!!!
Transform the bullet points in your task into paragraphs 2-4!!!!!

Слайд 4NB!!!!
Transform the bullet points in your task into paragraphs 3-4!!!!!

Слайд 6NB!!!!
Transform the bullet points in your task into paragraphs 2-4!!!!!

Слайд 7A few months ago it was decided to set up an Idea

Board for your team. Every member can suggest ideas and solutions by posting them on a board placed in the office and gather support for them from teammates who put stickers under the ideas. If the majority votes for an idea or solution, it gets implemented. Your PM has asked you to write a report on the effectiveness of this initiative.
You must write about:
Its advantages
Its disadvantages
Whether you would like to keep using it
Write 180-200 words