Super fast + and Fly Piercing Specification

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Super Fast+ Attention:
Lead-in line must longer then 3mm,too long is not suggested,will increase

Super Fast+ Attention: Lead-in line must longer then 3mm,too long is not
the cutting time,we recommend to 3mm-4mm(so contrminal cutting is not recommended to use Super Fast+)
About Piercing Config.The piercing offset should set to shorter then 9mm, Piercing time less than 0.1 Sec.,We usually set the offset to 6mm, Piercing time to 0.01 Sec,For thick material,we could increase the piercing time,but less than 0.1 Sec.,If the lead-in line of small hole is shorter than3mm,we suggest offset lower than 6mm。Recommend use high pulse to piercing

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Lead-in CFG:1st layer of Accessories

Lead-in CFG:1st layer of Accessories

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Nozzle lowest offset; Booster 0.3mm, Normal 0.5mm
Syncronize Hight recommend to 40

Attentions: Nozzle lowest offset; Booster 0.3mm, Normal 0.5mm Syncronize Hight recommend to 40
Имя файла: Super-fast-+-and-Fly-Piercing-Specification.pptx
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