Теория языка


Слайд 2


Чередование звуков в корне
Сдвиг в ударении
Служебные слова
Doing household chore

Морфология Аффиксация Чередование звуков в корне Сдвиг в ударении Служебные слова Doing
always makes me sick.
He is a never-arrive-on-time kind of person.
It was a good buy.
The research provides news insights into how the brain processes rewards and advances our understanding of depression.

Слайд 3

Имя существительное

Имена собственные и нарицательные
Род (одушевленные, неодушевленные)
Advice, fruit, coffee, money, news, scissors

Имя существительное Имена собственные и нарицательные Род (одушевленные, неодушевленные) Число Advice, fruit,

The audience was enormous.
The police are following the criminal.
This is / Those are sheep.

Слайд 4

Имя прилагательное

Степень сравнения
He’s an oh-I’ve-forgotten-my-wallet type of person.
Idiot-proof instruction

Имя прилагательное Степень сравнения He’s an oh-I’ve-forgotten-my-wallet type of person. Idiot-proof instruction

Слайд 5

Неличные формы глагола

To read books is very interesting.
This is a masterpiece to

Неличные формы глагола Инфинитив To read books is very interesting. This is
be read.
Here is a list of writers you need to be reading.
They told us that the students pretended to have read the book.
A story is likely to have been read by a million people.
He seems to have been reading since morning.

Слайд 6


I know of your good reading.
I insist on your going there right

Герундий I know of your good reading. I insist on your going
I like reading books. Having read the first book about Harry Potter, he bought the next one.
I like walking slowly.
Having been gradually integrated into the equation, this value proved to be reliable.

Слайд 7


Переходный глагол
Knowing English well he was able to read this magazine.

Причастие Переходный глагол Knowing English well he was able to read this
raised in California, she couldn’t understand Englishmen.
When discussed by the meeting the Appeal to All the Women of the World was adopted by it.
Having done the question-and-answer exercises, the students began to write a composition.
Having been repaired, my car started immediately.

Слайд 8


Непереходный глагол
A living creature
A travelled road
Having lived for many years, he knows

Причастие Непереходный глагол A living creature A travelled road Having lived for
what to do.

Слайд 9


The hunter killed the lion. – The lion killed the hunter.
The sun

Предложение The hunter killed the lion. – The lion killed the hunter.
shines. The weather is fine. The boy is running.
One must be very careful while crossing streets. One can do it easily. Reading books is a very useful activity. To stay there is just a waste of time.
We must be careful. You never know.
It was very interesting. There is a table in the room.

Слайд 10

Актуальное членение предложений

A change of mood on the part of the negotiation

Актуальное членение предложений A change of mood on the part of the
parties became apparent towards the end of the talks.
A breakthrough is expected to be achieved in this round of the negotiations.
There are many weather observation stations in this country.
Included in this table are properties of minerals.

Слайд 11

Научный стиль

точность (ясность).
This research focuses on the identification of hiring criteria used

Научный стиль объективность; логичность; отвлеченно-обобщенность; точность (ясность). This research focuses on the
by IT recruiters and assessing whether IT executives associate these criteria with successful project managers.

Слайд 12

Asteroid or minor planet is any of many thousands of small bodies,

Asteroid or minor planet is any of many thousands of small bodies,
composed of rock and iron, that orbit the Sun. Most lie within the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, but there are many that have orbits that cross the orbit of Earth — these are known as the near-earth asteroids.
Research has shown that Earth and the Moon have been hit by asteroids many times in the past and geologists have identified some 120 impact craters around the globe.
It is also now widely believed that it was a massive asteroid impact on Earth that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and other life forms 65 million years ago.

Слайд 13

Газетно-публицистический стиль

социальная оценочность;
установка на новизну выражений.
As well as the traditional email and

Газетно-публицистический стиль информативность; эмоциональность; социальная оценочность; стандартизованность; установка на новизну выражений. As
intranet we have a crowdsourcing platform, Better Together, where our people are encouraged to share their ideas on how we can be more simple, personal and fair," says Paula Dunne, head of diversity and engagement.

Слайд 14

Is Finland now officially "the sick man of Europe"?
That dismal description comes from

Is Finland now officially "the sick man of Europe"? That dismal description
the country's own Finance Minister, Alexander Stubb.
New figures for the economy's performance in 2015, showed that it managed to avoid a fourth consecutive year of declining economic activity. Even so, it was very lacklustre growth and the longer picture remains pretty bleak.
The broadest measure of that, GDP, is still about 7% below the high it reached at the end of 2007, just before the global financial crisis.
Most, though not all, eurozone countries have got back to those earlier levels and a bit above. Even one country that was bailed out, Ireland, is among those relatively strong performers.
Finland's disappointing performance has also shown up in the unemployment figures, which rose from 6.2% of the workforce in early 2008 to 9.5% in the most recent figures.
So who is to blame?
The slightly flippant answer is: the late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. But there is a serious point behind that - well two actually, although it's not the whole story of Finland's economic troubles.

Слайд 15

Официально-деловой стиль

предписывающий характер информации;
констатация фактов;
точность, не допускающая инотолкования;
исчерпывающая полнота и ясность.

Официально-деловой стиль предписывающий характер информации; констатация фактов; точность, не допускающая инотолкования; стандартизированность; исчерпывающая полнота и ясность.

Слайд 16

Operation steps
Record alarm voice message
Remove of the host’s SIM card cover with

Operation steps Record alarm voice message Remove of the host’s SIM card
a screwdriver, press “REC” button, the host will make “di ” sound, then it begins to 6 seconds record. It will make “di, di ” sounds after finishing the recording. The host will make click sound and the speaker (Only ES model) will broadcast your recorded message automatically.
Note: Message should be brief. For example: “This is No. xx, building xx district xx. Please help, there is illegal intrusion in the house.”

Слайд 17

Dear Sirs,
When we attended the International Electronics Trade Fair in London last

Dear Sirs, When we attended the International Electronics Trade Fair in London
month, we visited your stand and saw a very interesting demonstration of your automatic high-security garage doors. The ability to drive straight in and out of your garage from the comfort of your car, as well as your emphasis on theft protection, appealed to us. We believe that there is a ready market for this in the United States.
Our company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the International Zetax Corporation, well-known in the security and theft prevention industry.

Слайд 18

Разговорный стиль


Разговорный стиль экономность; избыточность; диалогичность; эмоциональность; неоднородность.

Слайд 19

Developing an effective marketing plan is the most important part of the

Developing an effective marketing plan is the most important part of the
online advertising and promotion game. Marketing plans give you the opportunity to examine your products and services and see where they fall into certain market niches. Then, look at your competitors advertising. Ask yourself if it is working. If not, why and how can you fill the gap they are leaving and use it to your advantage? For extra help, the Small Business Administration has a website with many resources for advertising assistance.
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