Terrorists are preparing to blow up parliament

Слайд 2

Lesson Plan

Halloween Review

Guy Fawkes Night

Lesson Plan Halloween Review Guy Fawkes Night

Слайд 3

What is ‘Bonfire Night’?

What is ‘Bonfire Night’?

Слайд 4

“Remember, remember the 5th of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot”

“Remember, remember the 5th of November Gunpowder, treason and plot”

Слайд 5



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The Gunpowder Plot

Scene I London, Summer 1605

TERRORIST 1: I really

The Gunpowder Plot Scene I London, Summer 1605 TERRORIST 1: I really
hate the King. He’s really bad to us Catholics
TERRORIST 2: Yeah, he’s such a pig!
TERRORIST 3: Shall we kill him?
TERRORISTS 1, 2, AND 3: Yes! Let’s Kill him
TERRORIST 1: How shall we kill him?
TERRORIST 2: I can get some gunpowder
TERRORIST 3: yes, and I have a room under the government building
TERRORISTS 1,2, AND 3: The King must die!

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GUARD 1: what’s that noise downstairs?

THE GUNPOWDER PLOT GUARD 1: what’s that noise downstairs? GUARD 2: I
don’t know. Let’s go and check
(they walk downstairs- they see a man
GUARD 1: HELLO?!!! Who are you?
TERRORIST 1(GUY FAWKES) Erm, I’m John Johnson
GUARD 2: Hmm. What are you doing?
TERRORIST 1(GUY FAWKES) Erm, I’m going for a walk
GUARD 1: What’s that smell? It smells like gunpower

Scene 2: Parliament, Nov. 5th 1605

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Scene 3: London January 6th 1606

WOMAN: Aaaaah, what are

THE GUNPOWDER PLOT Scene 3: London January 6th 1606 WOMAN: Aaaaah, what
those heads there?
MAN: Those are the people who tried to kill the king: the terrorists
WOMAN: Oh dear! I don’t think it’s a good idea to try to kill the king

Слайд 11

Who are the terrorists?

Who wanted to kill the king?


Who are the terrorists? Who wanted to kill the king? Police want
want to talk to:
Roger Catesby
Lord Wessex
Ned Alleyn
Имя файла: Terrorists-are-preparing-to-blow-up-parliament.pptx
Количество просмотров: 45
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