- 2. THE PRODUCTION OF SPEECH SOUNDS http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~llsroach/phon2/artic-basics.htm Copy the pictures and translate the words
- 5. When the schwa sound is added to the diphthongs, a triphthong is formed: [eɪə] (player), [aɪə]
- 6. Vowels can be also classified according to the following characteristics: vowel height the highest point of
- 7. CONSONANT SOUNDS Depending on the manner of articulation, consonant sounds can be classified in the following
- 8. CONSONANT SOUNDS Depending on the manner of articulation, consonant sounds can be classified in the following
- 10. CONSONANT SOUNDS English consonant sounds can be also voiced [b], [d], [g], [v], [z], [ð], [ʒ],
- 11. TYPES OF SYLLABLES 1st Open (alphabet) 2nd Closed 3rd (vowel + ‘r’ (+consonant)) 4th (vowel +
- 12. READING AND SPELLING RULES A →[ɑː] before lm, lf, lve (l is silent): palm, half, calves
- 13. READING AND SPELLING RULES O → [əʊ] at the end of words: zero, solo, photo before
- 14. READING AND SPELLING RULES I → [aɪ] before ld, nd, gh (gh is silent), mb: mild,
- 15. READING AND SPELLING RULES eigh → [eɪ] neighbor, weigh, eight [aɪ] in height (gh is silent)
- 16. READING AND SPELLING RULES ea → [i:] tea, read, please [e] before th, l(th) and sometimes
- 17. READING AND SPELLING RULES ai → [eɪ] paid, raid, claim (exceptions: plait [plæt], said [sed]) ay
- 18. READING AND SPELLING RULES au → [ɔː] August, naughty, launch [ɑː] aunt, laugh [ɒ] because, cauliflower,
- 19. READING AND SPELLING RULES oa → [əʊ] boat, coat, goat [ɔː] broad air → [eə] air,
- 20. READING AND SPELLING RULES oar → [ɔː] board, hoarse, roar eer → [ɪə] beer, cheer, queer
- 21. READING AND SPELLING RULES c → [s] before e, i, y: cent, city, cycle [k] in
- 22. READING AND SPELLING RULES j → [dʒ] jam, jazz, jet sh → [ʃ] ship, leash, marshmallow
- 23. READING AND SPELLING RULES nk → [ŋk] rink, bank, think nc → [ŋk] uncle wr →
- 24. READING AND SPELLING RULES gn → [n] sign, foreign, gnome sl → [l] island, aisle, isle
- 25. English spelling is irregular and is characterized by various exceptions to the rules. Because of the
- 26. According to the reading and spelling rules, in the following commonly used words, the letters in
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