Christmas in Great Britain


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Christmas celebrated on 25th December is a big holiday for the British

Christmas celebrated on 25th December is a big holiday for the British
people. It is a religious holiday. On this day British people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

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Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions

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Christmas carols

Christmas carols are special songs which are sung during Christmas. The

Christmas carols Christmas carols are special songs which are sung during Christmas.
songs are about Jesus and the time when he was born. People go from house to house singing carols and collecting money for charity.

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Christmas Trees

People put up a Christmas tree near the fireplace and decorate

Christmas Trees People put up a Christmas tree near the fireplace and
it with lights, baubles, chocolate figures and an angel on the top.

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Every Christmas Britain is presented a large Christmas tree by Norway. It

Every Christmas Britain is presented a large Christmas tree by Norway. It
stands in all its glory at Trafalgar Square

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Christmas Cards

They are sent before Christmas Day and people use them to

Christmas Cards They are sent before Christmas Day and people use them
decorate their houses. Some families send and receive over 100 cards.

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Letters to Father Christmas

Children of Great Britain write letters to Father Christmas.

Letters to Father Christmas Children of Great Britain write letters to Father
They burn the letters in the fireplace so the ashes fly up the chimney and Father Christmas can read the smoke.

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Advent calendars

An Advent calendar is a decorative piece of card with twenty-four

Advent calendars An Advent calendar is a decorative piece of card with
small windows. Each day a window is opened to find a picture, a piece of chocolate, or a present.

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Christmas stockings

Night time on Christmas Eve is a very exciting time for

Christmas stockings Night time on Christmas Eve is a very exciting time
children. They hang stockings on the fireplace or at the foot of their beds for Father Christmas to fill.

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On Christmas Eve he piles all of the toys into his sleigh

On Christmas Eve he piles all of the toys into his sleigh
and rides across the sky with his 9 reindeer.

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Traditionally on Christmas Eve mince pies and sherry (or milk) are left

Traditionally on Christmas Eve mince pies and sherry (or milk) are left
out for Father Christmas and nowadays carrots are left for his reindeer

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Christmas dinner

Christmas dinner consists traditionally of roast turkey, goose or chicken with

Christmas dinner Christmas dinner consists traditionally of roast turkey, goose or chicken with potatoes.

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People eat mince pies and Christmas pudding flaming with brandy. The pudding

People eat mince pies and Christmas pudding flaming with brandy. The pudding
may contain coins or lucky charms for children. It is made with all sorts of dried fruits, nuts, spices

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Christmas Crackers

They are used to decorate the table at dinner А cracker

Christmas Crackers They are used to decorate the table at dinner А
is a brightly colored paper tube, twisted at both ends, which contains a party hat, riddle and toy.

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The paper crowns are made of tissue paper and unfold into an

The paper crowns are made of tissue paper and unfold into an
actual crown. Everyone is a king on Christmas!

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Royal Christmas Message

The tradition of sending out a Christmas Message to the

Royal Christmas Message The tradition of sending out a Christmas Message to
public began in 1932. Nowadays the Queen gives a speech on Christmas Day at 3pm in England.

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Boxing Day

Boxing Day follows Christmas day and it is a bank holiday.

Boxing Day Boxing Day follows Christmas day and it is a bank
Traditionally, it was the day to open the Christmas Box to share the contents with the poor. Nowadays schools gather gifts to be put in Christmas Boxes that are sent to poorer countries.

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Boxing Day

The Symbols of Christmas

Boxing Day The Symbols of Christmas

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The Star

The Christmas star symbolizes the star of Bethlehem which guided the

The Star The Christmas star symbolizes the star of Bethlehem which guided
three kings to the baby Jesus.

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Candy Canes

Candy Canes are traditionally striped in red and white colors. They

Candy Canes Candy Canes are traditionally striped in red and white colors.
symbolize the shepherd's hook used to bring the lambs back to their fold.

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Christmas Wreath

As the Christmas wreath has no end, it symbolizes the eternal

Christmas Wreath As the Christmas wreath has no end, it symbolizes the eternal love of God
love of God

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Christmas Candles

The candle is used as a popular Christmas decoration which brings

Christmas Candles The candle is used as a popular Christmas decoration which
light and warmth in cold winters

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Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells mark the beginning of the holiday season.

Christmas Bells Christmas Bells mark the beginning of the holiday season.

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A kiss under the mistletoe could mean deep romance or lasting friendship

Mistletoe A kiss under the mistletoe could mean deep romance or lasting friendship and good will.
and good will.
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