The influence of Scandinavian vocabulary on the English

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Since a living language is a constant and developing phenomenon, something new

Introduction Since a living language is a constant and developing phenomenon, something
comes, something unnecessary or superfluous disappears, and for scientists working in the field of lexicology, there are many questions that need to be resolved.
The subject of our discussion is Scandinavian loanwords and their role in the English language system.
We assume that there are a lot of Scandinavian loanwords in English. The reason, in our opinion, is the Scandinavian conquests. They may have left their mark on the English language.

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The historical conditions of development

The middle English period in the history of

The historical conditions of development The middle English period in the history
England is characterized by two major historical events that left their mark on the further development of the English language. From the end of the eighth century, England was subjected to Scandinavian (Danish) raids. England had to fight the Scandinavians hard, which continues with varying success during the ninth and tenth centuries. As a result of these invasions, a significant Scandinavian population was formed in the regions of England. To this day, many names of localities of Scandinavian origin have been preserved, as well as proper names on - son «сын» (name after the father). Many place names on - by (East Scandinavian byr-village) Grimsby-Grima village.
And so, the Scandinavian influence on English morphology consisted not in the fact that Scandinavian forms were borrowed, but in the fact that crossing contributed to a change in the grammatical structure of the English language.

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Borrowings from the Scandinavian language

Many verbs, nouns, and adjectives were borrowed from

Borrowings from the Scandinavian language Many verbs, nouns, and adjectives were borrowed
Scandinavian to Express the most basic, vital concepts, and the third-person plural personal pronoun was also borrowed, which is extremely rare.
The Scandinavian pronoun replaced the English one and became established in the language.
Сканд. eir – они – they
Сканд. eirra (род. п.) – their
Сканд. eim (дат. п.) – them
Among the verbs borrowed from the Scandinavian dialects, they first entered the English language.
Сканд. kalla> др. англ. ceallian> ср.англ. callen> настоящее время call
Сканд. taka> др.англ. tacan> ср. англ. Taken> настоящее время take

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Borrowed words either supplanted native English words, or were used alongside them

Borrowed words either supplanted native English words, or were used alongside them
when there were different shades of meaning.
Early borrowings include nouns:
Сканд. lagu – закон> др. англ. lau> ср.англ. lawe> настоящее время law
Сканд. husbondi (hus – дом + bondi - житель) крестьянин, домохозяин> др. англ. husbonda – хозяин дома, глава семьи> ср. англ. husbonde – земледелец, муж> настоящее время husband.
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