The River Thames


Слайд 2

The River Thames

Look at page 95 and name the topic of the

The River Thames Look at page 95 and name the topic of the lesson

Слайд 3

Today we are going to…

know some facts about London’s sights
learn new words,

Today we are going to… know some facts about London’s sights learn
new interesting facts,
improve your speaking, listening skills and grammar.

The purpose of this lesson is to issue[ˈɪʃuː] a web-page
“River Thames boat trip”, demonstrating 3 famous attractions

Слайд 4

Read the following words, using transcriptions:

Read the following words, using transcriptions:

Слайд 5

What are the most famous sights of London do you know?
When was

What are the most famous sights of London do you know? When
London Eye built?
Where can you learn about the Great Plague?
When was the recent Globe completed?
What can you see in the Tower of London?
Who was the founder of the Globe?
Where is a scary labyrinth of mirrors situated?
What is the main river of the UK?

Do you know

Слайд 6

The London Eye

The Tower of London

The London Dungeon ['dʌnʤ(ə)n]

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

The London Eye The Tower of London The London Dungeon ['dʌnʤ(ə)n] Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Слайд 7

………………………….take part in workshops and lectures?
……………………..see the jewelry of the Kings and

………………………….take part in workshops and lectures? ……………………..see the jewelry of the Kings
…………………..see the city from the top?
…………………….…see scary labyrinths and learn about the Great Plague?

Where (the London Eye, the Tower of London, the London Dungeon, Globe theatre) can you……

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

The Tower of London

The London Eye

The London Dungeon

Слайд 8

And now read the texts and find out what you can do,

And now read the texts and find out what you can do,
see and learn at the different tourists attractions along the Thames.
I think you can have a ride on the …
I think you can learn about history at the…
I think you can see a play at…
I think you can …

( London Eye)

(the Tower, the London Dungeon)

(Shakespeare Globe Theatre)

Слайд 9

 1. To thrill -
2. To amaze -
3. Fame -
4. Usual

1. To thrill - 2. To amaze - 3. Fame - 4.
5. Thorough -
6. Perform -
7. Education -
8. Exhibit -  
The next task is to complete the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in brackets and translate these words into Russian.









Listen to the recording and check your answers.

Слайд 10

1. Shakespeare is a ___________ (fame) British poet.
2. We had a ____________ (thrill) adventure

1. Shakespeare is a ___________ (fame) British poet. 2. We had a
last summer.
3. I liked the ________________ (perform) very much.
4. My sister watches _____________ (education) channels on TV.
5. Jake had ________(thorough) studied the subject and was ready for the test.
6. We are going to visit the ___________ (exhibit) next week.

Open the brackets using the suffixes: ous, ing, al, ly, ion, ance







Слайд 11

Посмотреть с высоты птичьего полета
разумное использование средств
испытать нечто незабываемое
садиться и сходить
испуганный до

Посмотреть с высоты птичьего полета разумное использование средств испытать нечто незабываемое садиться
потери сознания
подойти, сгодиться
многоразовый билет

Find the phrases in the text.

bird’s eye view

great value for money

experience of a lifetime

hop on and off

scared out of your wits

served many purposes

rambler ticket

Слайд 12

Get on and off easily, usually without having to buy a new

Get on and off easily, usually without having to buy a new
Worth more than the money it costs
A period of a thousand years, the celebration at the end of a thousand year period
The view of something when you are looking down on it from a height
To be extremely frightened or terrified
A building like a castle
Something you do that is unforgettable
Someone is not very confident and is afraid to do things that might be dangerous
9. The historical period which lasted from the end of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance
10. Has been used for many different things
11. A prison
12. A great disaster, an illness of the 17th century, when thousands of people died
13. A 19th –century London murderer  

( hop on and off)

(great value for money)


(bird’s eye view)

(scared out of your wits)

(a fortress)

(the experience of a lifetime)



(served many purposes)


(Great Plague)

(Jack the Ripper)

Слайд 13

1. To be scared a. purposes
2. Birds’ eye b. hearted
3. Medieval c. out of one’s

1. To be scared a. purposes 2. Birds’ eye b. hearted 3.
4. Faint d. view
5. To serve many e. fortress

Match the words in two columns:

Слайд 14

What purposes did The Tower serve in the Past?
What can you

What purposes did The Tower serve in the Past? What can you
see during your visit to the Tower?
What is the London Eye?
Why do people want to take a ride on it?
Where is Dungeon situated?
What can you learn there?
What people shouldn’t go there?
What happened to the original Globe Theatre?
When was the modern building constructed?
What activities does the theatre provide?

Answer the questions:

Слайд 15

What are the most famous sights of London do you know?
When was

What are the most famous sights of London do you know? When
London Eye built?
Where can you learn about the Great Plague?
When was the recent Globe completed?
What can you see in the Tower of London?
Who was the founder of the Globe?
Where is a scary labyrinth of mirrors situated?
What is the main river of the UK?

Do you know


(The London Dungeon)


(the incredible Crown Jewels)


(The London Dungeon)

(The Thames)

Слайд 16

a web-page “River Thames boat trip”

• Westminster Palace
• London Eye

a web-page “River Thames boat trip” • Westminster Palace • London Eye
Tower of London

Your task will be to find out information about the location, history, opening times and prices of admission of this attraction.

Имя файла: The-River-Thames.pptx
Количество просмотров: 68
Количество скачиваний: 0