The Simple Present and Simple Past Tense


Слайд 2

Can you write two sentences to describe these pictures using simple past

Can you write two sentences to describe these pictures using simple past
tense and simple present tense?

Show answer

One sentence must use a past tense verb and one must use a present tense verb. For example: Children played with old-fashioned toys in the past. We play with toys that are more modern now.

Слайд 3

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this
sentence? Is this sentence written in simple past or present tense? Look at the verb to help you decide.

Show answer

I ______ to bring my P.E. kit to school so I can’t do P.E.

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

The missing verb is ‘forgot’. This sentence is written in simple past tense.







Слайд 4

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this
sentence? Is this sentence written in simple past or present tense? Look at the verb to help you decide.

Show answer

The roses in my garden ____.

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

The missing verb is ‘grow’. This sentence is written in simple present tense.





Слайд 5

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this
sentence? Is this sentence written in simple past or present tense? Look at the verb to help you decide.

Show answer

When the witch cast a spell on him, he ______ a slimy frog.

The missing verb is ‘became’. This sentence is written in simple past tense.

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!







Слайд 6

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this
sentence? Is this sentence written in simple past or present tense? Look at the verb to help you decide.

Show answer

This is my party so I get to ______ the party games that we play!

The missing verb is ‘choose’. This sentence is written in simple present tense.

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!







Слайд 7

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this

Can you catch the butterflies needed to spell the verb in this
sentence? Is this sentence written in simple past or present tense? Look at the verb to help you decide.

Show answer

Mandeep _____ her leg so she can’t take part in the race.

The missing verb is ‘broke’. This sentence is written in simple present tense.

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!

Incorrect letter!






Слайд 8

Are these sentences written in the simple past or present tense? Click

Are these sentences written in the simple past or present tense? Click
the old book or the modern robot to choose which you think it is. How do you know?

I ride my bike around the field.

I knew the answer to the question.

I wear my sunglasses in the summer.

Слайд 9

Spin the spinners! Write a sentence about the topic selected by the

Spin the spinners! Write a sentence about the topic selected by the
first spinner in the tense selected by the second spinner. If you spin ? then try to write two sentences using both tenses!


spin again!

and again!

one more time!

Слайд 10

Can you write two sentences to describe these pictures using the simple

Can you write two sentences to describe these pictures using the simple
past tense and the simple present tense?

Show answer

One sentence must use a past tense verb and one must use a present tense verb. For example: All the animals ride on the broom. The animals fell off the broom.

Слайд 11

This sentence has been mixed up. Can you put it in the

This sentence has been mixed up. Can you put it in the
right order? Do you think it is simple present or simple past tense?

Show answer

Maya caught the bus to school yesterday.
This is written in the simple past tense.

school the Maya bus yesterday. caught to

Can you write your own mixed-up sentence for your partner? Can they say if it is in simple past or present tense?


Слайд 12

This sentence has been mixed up. Can you put it in the

This sentence has been mixed up. Can you put it in the
right order? Do you think it is simple present or simple past tense?

Show answer

Dad cooks delicious spaghetti bolognese.
This is written in the simple present tense.

bolognese. cooks Dad delicious spaghetti

Can you write your own mixed-up sentence for your partner? Can they say if it is in simple past or present tense?


Слайд 13

Can you write two sentences to describe these pictures using the simple

Can you write two sentences to describe these pictures using the simple
past tense and the simple present tense?

Show answer

One sentence must use a past tense verb and one must use a present tense verb. For example: The children were nice and clean before the food fight. They are very dirty after the food fight.

Слайд 14

Can you sort the sentences into simple past and simple present tense?

Can you sort the sentences into simple past and simple present tense?
Put the simple past tense sentences into the rubbish bin and the simple present tense sentences into the treasure chest.
Can you think of a sentence of your own that you could put into the treasure chest and the rubbish bin?

Simple Present Tense

Simple Past Tense

Emily solved the puzzle.

She plays the trombone.

He wants to go to ballet class.

Hamza spells words easily.

I watched the parade go by.

I had fun at the fair.

Слайд 15

Can you click on the letters in this verb to change this

Can you click on the letters in this verb to change this
sentence from simple present tense to simple past tense? What do you think each letter will change to?

She to the supermarket with her mum.









Show answer

She went to the supermarket with her mum.

Слайд 16

Can you click on the letters in this verb to change this

Can you click on the letters in this verb to change this
sentence ffrom simple past tense to simple present tense? What do you think each letter will change to?

He to walk to the park by himself.





Show answer

He decides to walk to the park by himself.











Слайд 17

Can you click on the letters in this verb to change this

Can you click on the letters in this verb to change this
sentence from simple present tense to simple past tense? What do you think each letter will change to?

I my favourite poem aloud.





Show answer

I read my favourite poem out loud. Some verbs, like read, change their pronunciation but not their spelling when they change from present to past tense.

Слайд 18

Which verb would you choose to make these into simple past tense

Which verb would you choose to make these into simple past tense

I my pet puppy to school.




Which Verb? (click)

My puppy the teacher!



The teacher with my mum and dad.









Show answer

Слайд 19

Split into two teams. Take it in turns to click on two

Split into two teams. Take it in turns to click on two
cards. If you find the same sentence written in simple past tense and simple present tense then you score a point for your team. Whichever team has found the most pairs at the end of the game wins.

(Click the cards again to turn them back over if the words are not all found in that turn.)

I went up the stairs to my bedroom.

She forgets to buy the flour.

He left his friend’s house in a sulk.

I collect football cards.

Zara is in a fantastic mood today.

I go up the stairs to my bedroom.

I collected football cards.

Zara was in a fantastic mood today.

You brought me cookies every day.

You bring me cookies every day.

She forgot to buy the flour.

He leaves his friend’s house in a sulk.













Имя файла: The-Simple-Present-and-Simple-Past-Tense.pptx
Количество просмотров: 83
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