The Worst Places for Women

Слайд 2

The Worst Places for Women

SIERRA LEONE: This is the worst place to

The Worst Places for Women SIERRA LEONE: This is the worst place
be a woman, according to the Human Development Report. 76 percent of women are illiterate, and one in eight die during pregnancy or childbirth. Life expectancy is only 43.

Слайд 3

In Afghanistan

A woman dies during childbirth every 30 minutes, the

In Afghanistan A woman dies during childbirth every 30 minutes, the highest
highest maternal mortality rate in the world. Domestic violence is very common; 87 percent of Afghan women have been attacked by a family member. But more than one million widows are on the streets, often forced into prostitution. Afghanistan is the only country in which the female suicide rate is higher than that of males .

Слайд 4

In Nepal

The female illiteracy rate is at 65 percent; if girls

In Nepal The female illiteracy rate is at 65 percent; if girls
aren't married in their adolescence, there's a good chance they'll be sold by their families to sex traffickers.

Слайд 5

In Yemen - Women belong to men. - Most are illiterate. - They

In Yemen - Women belong to men. - Most are illiterate. -
can’t travel alone. - They are arrested in the street. - They die in pregnancy and childbirth. - They suffer from unjust polygamy. - Because of poverty they resort to short term marriage with tourists from other Arab countries.

Слайд 6

A worldwide phenomenon

A worldwide phenomenon

Слайд 8

The best places in the world to be a woman


The best places in the world to be a woman Iceland Norway


Measures of well-being include life expectancy, education, power and standard of living.
For example, in Iceland Women are now the majority of students on almost all levels of informal and formal adult education , so their educational level is rising high.

Слайд 9

Successful, rich and powerful women

search google for the 100 most powerful women

Successful, rich and powerful women search google for the 100 most powerful
in the world. Prepare a presentation about one of them.

Слайд 10

What about Morocco? A bad or a good place for a woman?

What about Morocco? A bad or a good place for a woman?

Слайд 12

case study:

My situation has changed thanks to the TeleFood Fund.

case study: My situation has changed thanks to the TeleFood Fund. I
started off with six young rabbits and now I have about 16 but I also sold about 11 rabbits to earn some extra income. The TeleFood project also allowed me to buy the hutches, concentrated food, medicine and vaccines.
On Thursdays I go to the souk. Today I sold two rabbits. I got 110 Dirhams for them (13.50 US dollars), which is not too bad since I sold them as soon as I arrived at the market .

Слайд 13

« I am woman » By Helen Reddy

Helen Reddy (born October 25,

« I am woman » By Helen Reddy Helen Reddy (born October
1941) is an Australian/American singer/songwriter. She has won many awards. Reddy became one of the world's most successful female singers of the early 1970s music scene.
« I am woman » s a song which became an enduring anthem for the women’s liberation movement. Besides it´s a very beautiful song which also shows the way women should be seen. Strong, Invincible and hardworking.
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