Toys -игрушки

Слайд 3

April birthdays!!!

Were you born
in April?

April birthdays!!! Were you born in April?

Слайд 4

First, take your Stationery boxes
and glue the cribs!
Then, let your teacher sign

First, take your Stationery boxes and glue the cribs! Then, let your
in your copybooks!

We all must be organised:

Speaking to warm up!

Слайд 5

Last Friday was the 1st of April.
Did you play jokes on your

Last Friday was the 1st of April. Did you play jokes on your friends or family?
friends or family?

Слайд 6



Слайд 7

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду 30.03.2022. Сделать на понедельник 4.04.22.

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду 30.03.2022. Сделать на понедельник 4.04.22.
2. Грамматическая копия. Составить предложения, расположив слова в правильном порядке.

Your Hometask:

Слайд 9

You can run.

He can paint.

She can sing.

It can talk.

We can cook.

You can

You can run. He can paint. She can sing. It can talk.

They can fly.


Слайд 14

Film: Free Guy
Watch and say if you would like to have a

Film: Free Guy Watch and say if you would like to have
calm or adventurous life.

Watch the video in the special presentation!

Слайд 15

Reading on the floor

Reading on the floor

Слайд 18

Слайд 22

Toys -игрушки
1.Box 1. коробка
2. Yo-yo 2. йо-йо
3. Van 3. фургон
4. Car 4.

Toys -игрушки 1.Box 1. коробка 2. Yo-yo 2. йо-йо 3. Van 3.
5. Rocket 5. ракета
6. Plane 6. самолет
7. Bus 7. автобус
8. Boat 8. лодка
9. Train 9. поезд
10.Truck 10. грузовик

Слайд 23

Are they moving?

Are they moving?

Слайд 24

What can you see?

What can you see?

Слайд 26



Слайд 29

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник 04/04/22/
Сделать на среду 06/04/22.
1.Words–prep.copy. Слова прописать.

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник 04/04/22/ Сделать на среду 06/04/22.
Дорисовать комикс.

Your Hometask:

Имя файла: Toys--игрушки.pptx
Количество просмотров: 62
Количество скачиваний: 0