Unit 1. Lesson 3

Слайд 2


Objective: Provide an expectation of learning.
1. Give a brief introduction of the

0 Objective: Provide an expectation of learning. 1. Give a brief introduction
learning goals
for the lesson.

Слайд 3

Video’s Background:
Look at the picture,
what’s the name of the video?
What can you

Video’s Background: Look at the picture, what’s the name of the video?
Let’s watch!


What animals do you see in the picture?
Where do they live?
They live in the ocean. What other animals live in the ocean?

Objective: Preview the story.
1. Ask questions about the picture.
2. Build up the background for the video.

Слайд 5

This is a cow.

This is a deer.

This is a frog.

This is a

This is a cow. This is a deer. This is a frog.

This is a sea turtle.



Objective: Learn key words.
1. Have students listen to the story.
2. Ask the key question.
3. Teach the vocabulary and key sentence.

Слайд 6

-What’s this? -This is a ___.


Objective: Review key words.
1. Have students practice

-What’s this? -This is a ___. 5 Objective: Review key words. 1.
2. Above level kids can ask and
answer a question by themselves.

Слайд 7


Objective: Preview and predict.
1. Talk about the cover.
2. Q&A to set a

3 Objective: Preview and predict. 1. Talk about the cover. 2. Q&A to set a purpose.

Слайд 8

I’m a frog.

I live in the green pond.


Keep Clicking

Click the animals

Objective: Read,

I’m a frog. I live in the green pond. 3 Keep Clicking
decode and comprehend.
1. Read this page.
2. Ask and answer the questions.
3. Click the red dots to practice the
sentence or vocabulary.

Слайд 9

I miss my friends so much.


Objective: Read, decode and comprehend.
1. Read this

I miss my friends so much. 3 Objective: Read, decode and comprehend.
2. Q&A to set a purpose.

Слайд 10

I go to see the bird.


It lives in the nest.

Keep Clicking

Click the

I go to see the bird. 3 It lives in the nest.

Objective: Read, decode and comprehend.
1. Read this page.
2. Ask and answer the questions.
3. Click the red dots to practice the
sentence or vocabulary.

Слайд 11

I go to see the deer.

It lives in the forest.


Keep Clicking

Objective: Read,

I go to see the deer. It lives in the forest. 3
decode and comprehend.
1. Read this page.
2. Ask and answer the questions.
3. Click the red dots to practice the
sentence or vocabulary.

Слайд 12

I go to see the sea turtle.

It lives in the ocean.


Keep Clicking


I go to see the sea turtle. It lives in the ocean.
Read, decode and comprehend.
1. Read this page.
2. Ask and answer the questions.
3. Click the red dots to practice the
sentence or vocabulary.

Слайд 13

Where does a sea turtle live?
Does it live in the nest?

Where does a sea turtle live? Does it live in the nest?
Is it right?
(Click the animals)

Click the red dot
to check it out

Слайд 14

I go to see the cow.

It lives in the barn.


Keep Clicking

Where should

I go to see the cow. It lives in the barn. 3
I live?
(Click the barns and the ponds)

Click me twice

Objective: Read, decode and comprehend.
1. Read this page.
2. Ask and answer the questions.
3. Click the red dots to practice the
sentence or vocabulary.

Слайд 15

It’s time to go home.


Objective: Read, decode and comprehend.
1. Read this page.

It’s time to go home. 3 Objective: Read, decode and comprehend. 1.
Q&A to analyze characters.

Слайд 16

I love my friends. I love my pond.



Objective: Read, decode and comprehend.

I love my friends. I love my pond. 3 END Objective: Read,
Read this page.
2. Q&A to analyze characters.

Слайд 17


The setting is where a story takes place or happens.

Objective: Review and

3 Setting: The setting is where a story takes place or happens.
1. Have students retell the
story and talk about the definition
of setting.
Имя файла: Unit-1.-Lesson-3.pptx
Количество просмотров: 55
Количество скачиваний: 0