Visual picture of the ratio quantities

Слайд 2

Тема урока:

Мир, в котором жили предки англичан и наглядное представление о соотношении

Тема урока: Мир, в котором жили предки англичан и наглядное представление о соотношении величин.

Слайд 3

проработать с текстом, уметь выделить главное, ответить на вопросы;
закрепить навыки работы с

проработать с текстом, уметь выделить главное, ответить на вопросы; закрепить навыки работы
электронными таблицами: вспомнить как строятся диаграммы по табличным данным.

Слайд 4

The words:



The words: Angles Saxons Pagan Priest Artos Arthur Cedric Cart

Слайд 5

Answer the questions:

Where did Artos and his family live?
Why did his father

Answer the questions: Where did Artos and his family live? Why did
look worried?
Who were the enemies of Artos and his tibe?
What was Artos’ tribe going to do?
Why did Artos hate the Angles and Saxons?
What happened at night?

Слайд 6

True or False.

The Romans had to leave the British Isles.
The Angels and

True or False. The Romans had to leave the British Isles. The
Saxons were Germanic tribes.
The Celts and the Angels, Saxons were friends.
The Celts had to leave their land.
The Celts were pagan.
The Angels and Saxons were Christians.
The word “ Anglia” means “the land of the Angels”.

Слайд 7

What do the words: Fight for the ring. Fight with the ring.

What do the words: Fight for the ring. Fight with the ring.
Fight in the ring mean?

The main treasure of the tribe is the ring. People know that the ring is magic. The ring always helps the tribe and people are ready to fight for the ring.
People of the tribe must always be together ( in the ring) and are ready to fight for their friends.(+)

Слайд 8

Почему Артос, произнося слова We are the people of the Ring. Together

Почему Артос, произнося слова We are the people of the Ring. Together
we are free and strong like Arthur’s knights at the Round Table сравнивает кольцо пламени с круглым столом короля Артура?

Because Arthur’s Round Table was magic and the ring is magic.
Because the ring is round and the table is round. If you sit in the ring, everybody is equal. Nobody is better or worse

Слайд 9

Who said these words:

Fight for the ring! Fight with the ring! Fight

Who said these words: Fight for the ring! Fight with the ring!
in the ring!
We are the people of the ring. Together we are free and strong like Arthur’s knights of the Round Table.
Имя файла: Visual-picture-of-the-ratio-quantities.pptx
Количество просмотров: 46
Количество скачиваний: 0