Welcome to English Wednesday!


Слайд 2

Welcome to English Wednesday!

Welcome to English Wednesday!

Слайд 3

The tonight host: Artem Klepicov
(You can call me ‘Tim’ – it’s my

The tonight host: Artem Klepicov (You can call me ‘Tim’ – it’s
casual name for foreigners and English nights)

Слайд 4

2018 – bachelor degree in linguistics.
2020 - master degree in linguistics.

2018 – bachelor degree in linguistics. 2020 - master degree in linguistics.

Слайд 5

Music industry. Pop music.

Music industry. Pop music.

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Tonight’s topics:

Pop culture and its role in modern life.
Music as a

Tonight’s topics: Pop culture and its role in modern life. Music as
product of music industry.
Songs, albums covers.

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Pop culture

music, TV, cinema, books, etc. that are popular and enjoyed by

Pop culture music, TV, cinema, books, etc. that are popular and enjoyed
ordinary people, rather than experts or very educated people

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Pop music — is a genre of popular music. First time the

Pop music — is a genre of popular music. First time the
term pop music in English has sounded in 1926. The roots of pop music go deep into the history.
The basic unit in pop music is a different song or single. The average song length is from 2 to 4 minutes.
Since the early fifties pop music has been the enthusiasm and the entertainment of the young.

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Please, name some pop music artists:

Please, name some pop music artists:

Слайд 10

Let’s do some warm up activities

1. Split into groups.
2. Please, keep

Let’s do some warm up activities 1. Split into groups. 2. Please,
some distance between members of the group

Слайд 11

Please, discuss the questions:

Do you like pop music? What pop music do you

Please, discuss the questions: Do you like pop music? What pop music
consider good? What pop music do you consider bad?

Слайд 12

Let’s watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbXo2VOJZ5c&ab_channel=TopCulture

Let’s watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbXo2VOJZ5c&ab_channel=TopCulture

Слайд 13

Please, discuss the questions:

What period in the history of pop music do

Please, discuss the questions: What period in the history of pop music
you like more? What is your favourite genre of music?

Слайд 14

Let’s watch the video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7mw1D3HTGng

Let’s watch the video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7mw1D3HTGng

Слайд 15

1. Why did the girls from 60"s like the Beatles so much?

1. Why did the girls from 60"s like the Beatles so much?
What is the reason for such a fan interest?
3. Do we have the same situation with pop artists today?

Слайд 16

Verse-Chorus Form

What Is Verse-Chorus Form?
The verse-chorus form is a songwriting structure built

Verse-Chorus Form What Is Verse-Chorus Form? The verse-chorus form is a songwriting
around two repeating sections: a verse section and a chorus section.

Слайд 17

verse - A verse is also one of the parts into which

verse - A verse is also one of the parts into which
a poem or song is divided. chorus - part of a song that is repeated several times, usually after each verse

Слайд 18

Let’s make a song

Choose four lines for a verse.
Choose four lines for

Let’s make a song Choose four lines for a verse. Choose four
a chorus.
Tell us your concept of the song.

Слайд 19

Don't judge a book by its cover

Don't judge a book by its cover

Слайд 26

Gary - Getting down to business
Gary, now Dr Gary Solomon, released this

Gary - Getting down to business Gary, now Dr Gary Solomon, released
masterpiece in 1978. The big trousers and striking pose clearly weren't enough to keep him in the music industry though he is still getting down to business. That business now involves medical treatment by "Cinematherapy" the art of watching films for therapy reasons.

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Слайд 29

Let’s create your idols band
An idol (Korean: 아이돌; RR: Aidol), in fandom

Let’s create your idols band An idol (Korean: 아이돌; RR: Aidol), in
culture in South Korea, refers to a celebrity working in the field of K-pop. K-pop idols are characterized by the highly manufactured star system that they are produced by and debuted under, as well as their tendency to represent a hybridized convergence of visuals, music, fashion, and dance.

Слайд 31

Как же я ЛЮБЛЮ БТС?❤❤, вот они слева направо: Намджун, Чонгук, Чингачгук,

Как же я ЛЮБЛЮ БТС?❤❤, вот они слева направо: Намджун, Чонгук, Чингачгук,
Гойко Митич, Джин, Юнги
Люблю вас❤❤❤
Имя файла: Welcome-to-English-Wednesday!.pptx
Количество просмотров: 63
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