Презентации, доклады, проекты по английскому языку

Перевод художественной прозы на иностранный язык. Носитель vs не-носитель (на примере английского языка)
Перевод художественной прозы на иностранный язык. Носитель vs не-носитель (на примере английского языка)
I группа фигур речи: 1. «Вот такой он у меня уродился, сама удивляюсь. Меня замучил: «Прощупай, куда ниточки идут, прощупай». Да если бы у меня выходило, миллион раз бы уже прощупала! Очень нужна ему эта любовь – я вот прекрасно всю жизнь без нее обходилась и мать не доставала!» (оригинал) а) That’s the kind of pillock he’s turned out, can’t believe it. He drives me bonkers: “Work it out, Mum, work it out!” If I could of, I’d of done it a million times already, right? And does he need that lovey-dovey stuff, you tell me? I’ve got by my whole life without and never gave my mother grief. (перевод носителя языка) b) "And whom only does he take after, I wonder.  He completely wore me out: "Go probe where the threads lead, go probe."  If only I could do it, I would have probed them a million times already!  Can't he do without this love? as for me, I did perfectly fine without it and never plagued my mother with it!"  (перевод эмигранта) c) That’s what he is like, I’m surprised myself. Just wore me out: “Grope, where the threads lead, grope”. If only I could, I would have groped them more than once! Love! A fat lot of good it is! As for me, I've been doing just as well without it my life long and didn’t get to mother. (собственный перевод) Комментарий Катрионы Келли, британского русиста, филолога, переводчика русской литературы: [This is English with a London/south-east England flavour, though I’ve slightly lightened it up: this kind of speaker might say “never gave my mother no grief”. “Urod” is of course “freak”, but that’s unimaginable in the lexis of a speaker of this kind; “pillock” is abusive, but not unprintably so and is quite a vivid term. As for “could of”, “I’d of”: it is common to say this instead of “could have” etc. (I remember this being corrected when I started writing English myself).Not sure whether “lyubov’” is the relationship or the girl, but the rendering could capture either.]
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