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Aquatic and Physical Therapy Center _ by Slidesgo
Aquatic and Physical Therapy Center _ by Slidesgo
What are the scars? What are the scars? Skin is the biggest organ of a human body. It performs different functions, but the main one is protective. If a tissue integrity is disrupted, the body reacts with an inflammatory response. As a result, you may notice the appearance of new tissue. A scar is secondary morphological element of the skin, which is arisen from pathophysiological processes. Young people, especially women feel very anxious having scars on a face and opened parts of a body. Scars therapy is a long-term process, where it may be needed various types of treatment. Sometimes, results can be disappointing. But in fact, if there’s a systematic, individual treatment, there’s a possibility to cure every patient with impressive results. To prescribe a correct therapy, it is important to be able to classify scars. To choose the correct treatment, we have to consider their clinical variety: its size, the exact date of appearance, and nosological form. There are a lot of classifications, but the most informative one for a doctor is clinico-morphological, which are based on a scar relief, regarding the level of the surrounding skin and its pathomorphological characteristics. Classification of skin scars GROUP GROUP Scars that appeared as a result of adequate pathophysiological response: - hypotrophic scars;- normotrophic scars;- atrophic scars;- hypertrophic scars 01 02 Scars that appeared as a result of inadequate pathophysiological response: hypertropic scars; keloid scars ( keloid scars of the ears, keloid disease, acne keloid)
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