Aquatic and Physical Therapy Center _ by Slidesgo


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What are the scars?

What are the scars? Skin is the biggest organ

What are the scars? What are the scars? Skin is the biggest
of a human body. It performs different functions, but the main one is protective. If a tissue integrity is disrupted, the body reacts with an inflammatory response. As a result, you may notice the appearance of new tissue. A scar is secondary morphological element of the skin, which is arisen from pathophysiological processes. Young people, especially women feel very anxious having scars on a face and opened parts of a body. Scars therapy is a long-term process, where it may be needed various types of treatment. Sometimes, results can be disappointing. But in fact, if there’s a systematic, individual treatment, there’s a possibility to cure every patient with impressive results. To prescribe a correct therapy, it is important to be able to classify scars. To choose the correct treatment, we have to consider their clinical variety: its size, the exact date of appearance, and nosological form. There are a lot of classifications, but the most informative one for a doctor is clinico-morphological, which are based on a scar relief, regarding the level of the surrounding skin and its pathomorphological characteristics.

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Classification of skin scars



Scars that appeared as a result of adequate pathophysiological response:

Classification of skin scars GROUP GROUP Scars that appeared as a result
- hypotrophic scars;- normotrophic scars;- atrophic scars;- hypertrophic scars



Scars that appeared as a result of inadequate pathophysiological response: hypertropic scars; keloid scars ( keloid scars of the ears, keloid disease, acne keloid)

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All scars are divided into 5 groups normotrophic scars; atrophic scars; hypotrophic scars;

All scars are divided into 5 groups normotrophic scars; atrophic scars; hypotrophic
hypertrophic scars; keloid scars

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Normotrophic scar This type of scar is formed, not protruding above the surface

Normotrophic scar This type of scar is formed, not protruding above the
of the skin. It does not cause deformation of the skin and underlying tissues

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Atrophic scar is a sunken area of ​​skin, often of a pink

Atrophic scar is a sunken area of ​​skin, often of a pink
shade, due to what we can see translucent vessels. It can also be regarded as a variant of normotrophic ones.

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“This is a quote. Words full of wisdom that someone important said

“This is a quote. Words full of wisdom that someone important said
and can make the reader get inspired.”

—Someone Famous

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This is the number of total visitors we had last month

Key numbers



20,000 This is the number of total visitors we had last month
is the number of patients we had last month


This is the number of recoveries made so far

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Our statistics



Saturn is composed mostly of hydrogen


Venus has a beautiful name

Despite being

Our statistics Mars Saturn Saturn is composed mostly of hydrogen Venus Venus
red, Mars is a cold place

If you want to modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and replace it








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Brief story

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest

Brief story Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the
one in the Solar System

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Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

745,145 Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

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Milestones reached


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun


Despite being red, Mars

Milestones reached Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Mars
is a cold place, not hot


It has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot


It’s composed mostly of hydrogen and helium





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Our process

For the staff

You can write your idea here
You can write your

Our process For the staff You can write your idea here You
idea here
You can write your idea here
You can write your idea here
You can write your idea here

For the center

You can write your idea here
You can write your idea here
You can write your idea here
You can write your idea here
You can write your idea here

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Patient care

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest

Patient care Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the
one in the Solar System

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Our process


Mars is a cold place, not hot


Jupiter is the biggest planet



Our process Mars Mars is a cold place, not hot Jupiter Jupiter
has a beautiful name


Saturn is a gas giant with rings





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Venus has a beautiful name


Mercury is the smallest planet


Saturn is a gas

Services Venus Venus has a beautiful name Mercury Mercury is the smallest
giant with rings


Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all


Despite being red, Mars is a cold place


Neptune is far away from Earth

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Areas we cover


Mercury is the smallest planet


Jupiter is the biggest planet


Despite being

Areas we cover Mercury Mercury is the smallest planet Jupiter Jupiter is
red, Mars is cold


Neptune is far away from Earth





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A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture is worth a thousand words

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Key accomplishments


Venus has a beautiful name


Mercury is the smallest planet


Saturn is a

Key accomplishments Venus Venus has a beautiful name Mercury Mercury is the
gas giant with rings


It’s the biggest planet of them all

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Desktop mockup

You can replace the image on the screen with your own

Desktop mockup You can replace the image on the screen with your own work

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Слайд 41

Patient satisfaction


Venus is the second planet from the Sun


Despite being red, Mars

Patient satisfaction Gender Venus is the second planet from the Sun Mars
is a cold place, not hot











Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one




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John James, 36

“Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot, even hotter

Testimonial John James, 36 “Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot,
than Mercury”

Jenna Doe, 25

“Mercury the closest planet to the Sun and it’s only a bit larger than the Moon”

Helena Smith, 58

“Saturn is a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium”

Fred Blogs, 31

“Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot. It’s full of iron oxide dust”

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Quality improvement measures

Quality improvement measures

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Awesome words

Awesome words

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Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s very hot


Mercury is the closest planet

Innovations Venus Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s very hot Mercury
to the Sun


Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place

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Location center



Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot

Despite being red,

Location center Mars Venus Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly
Mars is a cold place, not hot

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Saturn is composed mostly of hydrogen


Venus has a beautiful name

Mars is a

Awards Mars Saturn Saturn is composed mostly of hydrogen Venus Venus has
cold place, not hot




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Our team

John James

You can talk a bit about this person here

Jenna Doe


Our team John James You can talk a bit about this person
can talk a bit about this person here

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Do you have any questions?
your [email protected]
+91 620 421 838

Please keep this

Thanks Do you have any questions? your +91 620 421 838
slide for attribution

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Alternative resources

Alternative resources

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Alternative resources


High angle of male swimmer in the water pool
Smiley male swimmer

Alternative resources Photos High angle of male swimmer in the water pool
posing with goggles and cap in the pool
High angle of male swimmer swimming in water pool
Front view young man at basin stretching
High angle male stretching before swimming

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Abstract rounded shape business card template
Dynamic poster collection


Male swimmer floating in

Resources Vectors Abstract rounded shape business card template Dynamic poster collection Photos
the pool
Male swimmers swimming in the pool
Male swimmer emerging out of pool
Pretty young girl posing in swim wear
Woman swimmer swimming close up

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Instructions for use (free users) In order to use this template, you
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This presentation has been made using the following fonts:


Fonts & colors used This presentation has been made using the following
Open Sans







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Creative Process Icons Performing Arts Icons

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