- 2. The neurostimulator capable to make active memory, logical thinking and attention is created. As envisioned by
- 3. The unique gadget influencing work of a brain. The device uses tDCS technology – the transkranialny
- 4. This technology is studied by the leading neurobiologists more than 30 years worldwide.
- 5. Gradually scientists have found out that tDCS can be applied also to improvement of cognitive abilities
- 6. The method, in difference from power engineering specialists, works restrictedly, influencing only the necessary zone of
- 7. Perhaps someone asks the question: WHY ME NEUROSTIMULATION?
- 8. The neurostimulator allows not only to improve memory, but also allows to concentrate on an important
- 9. Different zones of a cerebral cortex are responsible for thinking, training, attention, the movements, hearing, sight
- 10. Through two electrodes specially modulated current (a direct current with a force of 1-2 milliamperes) changing
- 11. The neurostimulator is calculated for students, programmers, engineers, scientists and all who want to cheer up
- 13. Timofey Glinin one of founders of "Neyrostimulyator Brainstorm" is a neurobiologist, the manager of projects of
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