Thames - what is interesting about London's famous river

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Thames is one of the major British rivers,

which can be heard

Thames is one of the major British rivers, which can be heard
from the mouths of tourists, locals and met the various mentions in the literature. The length of the Thames is 334 km, it almost never freezes only when the London winter is really harsh. A variety of vessels and barges moves actively on the waters of this river. Thames is masculine for the English. Because of this they call the river "Father Thames."

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Interestingly, the Thames is a tidal river. It’s a fun feature is

Interestingly, the Thames is a tidal river. It’s a fun feature is
that the direction and level of water can be changed twice a day. At low tide the water runs through familiar — towards the sea and at high tide the Thames is more powerful and the water in it comes in the opposite direction, from the sea. Some of the embankments sometimes completely go under water for this reason,
so before the walk is better to clarify, when is the next high tide.

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Thames is a river with a well-developed public transport

In addition to shipping,

Thames is a river with a well-developed public transport In addition to
the Thames is a river with a well-developed public transport, where the original water buses, boats and tourist transport go. And in 2012, in honor of the Olympics the modern ropeway was held over the Thames, which provides a magnificent view of the local surroundings. The part of transport is used for entertainment, but the second part is a standard public transport.

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A lot of London's attractions are located along this river.

A lot of

A lot of London's attractions are located along this river. A lot
London's attractions
are located along this river.
There is the famous Ferris wheel
- London Eye on one of the shores,
there also is Big Ben and the
house of Parliament very close.
There are over hundreds of bridges
from one bank of the Thames to another
and each of them is famous for its history and even has an interesting legend. One of the bridges is called "gates of criminals" because all prisoners were transported through this river entrance on the Thames to the Tower. Despite the massive barrages, the Thames sometimes comes from banks. The inhabitants of London and its environs usually suffer because of it.

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Waters of the Thames are used for London’s water supply.

There is

Waters of the Thames are used for London’s water supply. There is
the Thames ring for this purpose, the construction of which was organized in 1986. A huge tunnel with the pipeline is laid under the city and the water may go to any part of London. A special expensive computer system is following for the water consumption and quality, in addition, the water is regularly checked by tasters.

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The Thames has been considered as an important symbol of London for

The Thames has been considered as an important symbol of London for
a long time, because it is the source of drinking water and the main transport artery. The tourist, who had not seen this river, came to London for nothing, so every person should walk along the river Thames at least once.

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Mention - упоминание
Length - длина
Masculine-слово мужского рода
Tidal- приливный
Low tide-отлив
High tide-прилив
Ropeway-канатная дорога
Barrages- заграждения

Vocabulary Mention - упоминание Length - длина Harsh-суровый Vessel-судно Masculine-слово мужского рода
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