Verkhnevilyuisky ulus


Слайд 2

Flag of the municipal formation "the verkhnevilyuysky ulus (district)»

Flag of the municipal formation "the verkhnevilyuysky ulus (district)»

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Description and symbolism

Flag of the municipal district "verkhnevilyuysky ulus (district)" is a

Description and symbolism Flag of the municipal district "verkhnevilyuysky ulus (district)" is
flag of rectangular shape. In the middle of the flag blue color is an image of the lyre motif, the Yakut national pattern of "Ki±R, ojuu" (floral pattern), which is also depicted on the municipal coat of arms. The ornament is of a birch bark pattern in the form of a cow, horse and double-headed arrows. Ornament cattle refers to livestock, the agricultural character of the district. Ornament the two-headed horse means the equality of the two branches of government: legislative and Executive. The arrow indicates the aspiration of the authorities to go to the same goal. Manes of horses — sowing of cereals. Internal ornament plants — the younger a bright future district. Along the shaft of the flag is placed the diamonds in a special styling similar to their styling the State emblem of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which represent the administrative-territorial belonging municipal district to the "diamond province" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Слайд 4

Verkhnevilyuysky ulus is one of the districts of the Republic of Sakha

Verkhnevilyuysky ulus is one of the districts of the Republic of Sakha
(Yakutia).The district center is the village of verkhnevilyuysk

Status municipal district.
Included in Yakutia.
Includes 21 municipalities.
Administrative center the village of verkhnevilyuysk.
Head of administration Poskachin Vladimir.
Official language Yakut, Russian.
Population (2010) 21 279[1]
Area 43 170 km2
Latitude Sixty three
Longitude One hundred twenty

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Territory — 43,17 thousand km2. Bounded on the North from the Olenek,

Geography Territory — 43,17 thousand km2. Bounded on the North from the
in North-East of the Vilyui, in the South-East from the Mountain to the South, Olyokminsky, in the South-West, Suntarsky, on the West Nyurbinsky ulus.Ulus is located on the middle reaches of the river Vilyui. Large tributaries flowing through the territory of the ulus: Chybyda, Tucan, Tongue. Like most areas of North and Central Yakutia, lies in a region of "permafrost". The climate is continental, in winter the temperature reaches 60 degrees below zero Celsius and in summer up to +33.

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Population — 21496 man (2007). Population density of 0.5 persons/km2.Ethnic composition of

Population Population — 21496 man (2007). Population density of 0.5 persons/km2.Ethnic composition
the district according to the census of 2002: the Yakuts — 20855 person (97,53 %), Russian — 223 people (1,04 %), Evenks 112 (0,52 %), evens — 54 persons (0,25 %) and other nationalities — 139 (0,66 %).

Слайд 7

Administrative division

The composition of the district consists of 21 municipalities and 29

Administrative division The composition of the district consists of 21 municipalities and
town uniting points[2]:
rural settlement Balagansky nasleg (village Balagannakh),
rural settlement Boturussky nasleg (village Botou, village Ketereh),
rural settlement Barganski nasleg (village Byrakan),
rural settlement verkhnevilyuysky nasleg (village of verkhnevilyuysk),
rural settlement Talarski nasleg (village Daler, village Michagan, village Kulisnyh),
rural settlement Duracinsky nasleg (village of Gulluk, village Buradah),
rural settlement Adygeiskiy nasleg (village of St. Andrew, the village of Kudu),
rural settlement Kentucky nasleg (village Haryyalah),

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rural settlement Kyrykyyskaya nasleg (village Karaky),
rural settlement Magalski nasleg (village Kharbala, the

rural settlement Kyrykyyskaya nasleg (village Karaky), rural settlement Magalski nasleg (village Kharbala,
village of Csenger),
rural settlement Mayskiy nasleg (village of sayylyk, the village May),
rural settlement, Nam nasleg (village of Khomustakh),
rural settlement Ochojski nasleg (village of Lippe-atakh ),
rural settlement Oretsky nasleg (village Orget),
rural settlement Organski nasleg (village of the Oros),
ural settlement Sturgulewski nasleg (village Bagadia, the village of Keng-kyuyel'),
rural settlement Talakansky nasleg (village Thamalakane),
rural settlement Tubulence nasleg (village Twobuy),
rural settlement Kharbalakhskiy nasleg (village of Kul),
rural settlement Homestake nasleg (village of Khomustakh),
rural village Khori nasleg (village Khoro).

Слайд 9


Agriculture The economy is based on agriculture. The main branch of livestock

Economy Agriculture The economy is based on agriculture. The main branch of
breeding (meat and milk cattle, beef herd horse breeding), fur farming; cultivated crops, potatoes, vegetables. Agricultural land amount to 69.3 thousand hectares.

Слайд 10

Transport and communications .Road and river transport, airport, Telegraph, telephone, Internet, in

Transport and communications .Road and river transport, airport, Telegraph, telephone, Internet, in
2005, the pipeline. On the territory of the ulus of the motorway connecting the main cities of the Republic of Yakutsk and Mirny. There is a ferry (June — October), ice (December — April) the crossing of the Vilyui.

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Industry . Industrial production: forestry and wood processing, hunting and fishing, transport

Industry . Industrial production: forestry and wood processing, hunting and fishing, transport services.

Слайд 12


Despite the relatively small size of the area is one of the

Education Despite the relatively small size of the area is one of
main "suppliers" of the intellectual elite of the Republic. Without belittling the merits of other schools of the district, we note that the main source of manpower is the Republican school named national teacher of the USSR Mikhail A. Alekseev, the founder of physico-mathematical movement in Yakutia. Graduates now work not only throughout Yakutia and Russia, but also in many countries of Europe and America.

Слайд 13

Famous people

Zolotarev, Nikolai Gavrilovich (1908-1995) — the Yakut writer, better known under

Famous people Zolotarev, Nikolai Gavrilovich (1908-1995) — the Yakut writer, better known
the pseudonym Nicholas Yakut

Слайд 14

Il'ina-Dmitrieva, Regina E. (b. 1943) — Opera and chamber singer, people's artist

Il'ina-Dmitrieva, Regina E. (b. 1943) — Opera and chamber singer, people's artist of USSR (1988)
of USSR (1988)
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