Слайд 3Landscapes of the Primorskii ridge.
Bilichenko I.N., Sedykh S.A. Cartography of landscapes of
Landscapes of the Primorskii ridge.
Bilichenko I.N., Sedykh S.A. Cartography of landscapes of

the Western Baikal region // Geodesy and cartography. - M, 2016. - № 9. C. 29-38
Fragments of the landscape map of the territory: section of the Baikalskii ridge, ridge Ulan-Burgas, Khamar-Daban Range.
Rasputina E.A., Cygankova M.V., Bilichenko I.N., Korol'kova E.E., Sofronov A.P., Bardash A.V. Landscapes of the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory within the Republic of Buryatia and their Resistance to Recreational Load: Assessment and Mapping // Geodesy and Cartography. 2019., No. 10 . С. 20–32.