Test questions


Слайд 2

Test questions

Compare OLTP system and data warehouse
Describe OLAP cube operations
Compare dimension and

Test questions Compare OLTP system and data warehouse Describe OLAP cube operations
fact tables


Сравните OLTP-систему и хранилище данных
Опишите операции c кубами OLAP
3. Сравните таблицы измерений и фактов


Слайд 3

1. Data Analysis Tools


2. Structure of

1. Data Analysis Tools . . . . . . 2. Structure
decision support system

3. The concept of data warehouse

4. OLAP technology


5. Data Warehouse Schema

Слайд 4

1. Data Analysis Tools

1. Data Analysis Tools

Слайд 5

System classes

Systems focused on operational (transactional) data processing - OLTP (On-Line Transaction

System classes Systems focused on operational (transactional) data processing - OLTP (On-Line

Systems focused on analytical data processing – DSS (Decision Support Systems)

Simultaneous execution of a large number of short transactions from a large number of users.

Support for a large number of users
The short response time to the request
Relatively short queries
Participating in requests for a small number of tables

Data data analysis, domain process modeling, forecasting, finding dependencies between data, “what if:” analysis


Characterized by

Using large amounts of data
Adding new data to the system is relatively rare, with large blocks;
Data added to the system is usually never deleted.
Before downloading, the data goes through various “cleaning” procedures;.
A small number of users (analysts).

Слайд 6

Analytical systems

Static DSS

Dynamic DSS

Data Warehouses

Interactive Data Analytics
(On-Line Analytical Processing, OLAP)


Analytical systems Static DSS Dynamic DSS Data Warehouses Interactive Data Analytics (On-Line
(Data Mining)

DSS is a system that has the means of input, storage and analysis of data related to a specific subject area, with the aim of finding solutions.

Слайд 7

Concept Data Warehouse determines the process of collecting, weeding, pre-processing and accumulating

Concept Data Warehouse determines the process of collecting, weeding, pre-processing and accumulating
data in order to:
1) long-term storage
2) providing the resulting information to users in a convenient way for statistical analysis and analytical reporting.
Concept Mining determines the tasks of finding functional and logical patterns in the accumulated information, building models and rules that explain the anomalies found and/or predict the development of certain processes.
Concept OLAP comprehensive interactive data processing using methods multidimensional data analysis to support decision-making processes. In theory, OLAP can be used directly to operational data or their exact copies (so as not to interfere with operational users).

Main concepts

Слайд 8

By the degree of "intelligence" of data processing
highlight three classes of

By the degree of "intelligence" of data processing highlight three classes of
analysis tasks:

Information and search. DSS searches for the data you need. A characteristic feature of this analysis is the execution of pre-defined queries;

Operational-analytical. DSS groups and summarizes data in any form the analytics needs. Unlike information and search analysis, it is not possible to predict the queries required by the analytics in advance;

Intelligent. DSS searches for functional and logical patterns in accumulated data, builds models and rules that explain the patterns found and/or (with a certain probability) predict the development of some processes.




Слайд 9

Characteristics of the OLTP system
· A large amount of information
· Often different

Characteristics of the OLTP system · A large amount of information ·
databases for different departments
· Normalized scheme, lack of duplication of information
· Intensive data change
· Transactional mode of operation
· Transactions affect a small amount of data
· Processing current data - snapshot
· Many clients
· Short response time - a few seconds

Characteristics of OLAP Systems
· A large amount of information
· Synchronized information from various databases using common classifiers
· Unnormalized database schema with duplicates
· Data changes rarely. Change through batch download
· Complex ad hoc queries are performed over a large amount of data using groupings and aggregate functions.
· Analysis of time dependencies
· A small number of users - analysts and managers
· Longer response time (but still acceptable) - a few minutes

Слайд 10

2. Structure of decision support system

2. Structure of decision support system

Слайд 11

Generalized structure of decision support system
based on data warehouse

Generalized structure of decision support system based on data warehouse

Слайд 12

1. DSS systems with physical data warehouse
Data is transferred from various

1. DSS systems with physical data warehouse Data is transferred from various
operational data sources to a single repository. The collected data is reduced to a single format, coordinated and summarized. Analytical queries are addressed to the data warehouse.

Architecture options for DSS systems

Слайд 13

2. DSS systems with virtual data warehouse
Data from the operational data sources

2. DSS systems with virtual data warehouse Data from the operational data
is not copied to a single storage, but is extracted, converted and integrated when performing analytical queries directed directly to the operational data sources.

Слайд 14

3. DSS systems with data marts
A data mart is a simplified

3. DSS systems with data marts A data mart is a simplified
version of a data warehouse that contains only thematically aggregated data.
The data mart is as close as possible to the end user and contains data thematically oriented towards him.

Слайд 15



Слайд 16

Data warehouse (Bill Inmon's definition) - is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and

Data warehouse (Bill Inmon's definition) - is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and
non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process. 

Basic data warehouse requirements

Focusing on a subject area

Integration and internal consistency



Maintaining a high rate of data from warehouse

The ability to receive and compare data slices

The completeness and reliability of stored data

Supporting a quality data refill process

Слайд 17

Typical data warehouse architecture

Operational Data Source 1

Operational Data Source 2

Operational Data Source

Typical data warehouse architecture Operational Data Source 1 Operational Data Source 2

Archive and backups



Partially aggregated data


Reporting queries, application development

Tools OLAP

Smart data tools

Warehouse manager

Warehouse manager

Load manager

Query manager


Слайд 18

The load manager performs operations related to the extraction and loading of

The load manager performs operations related to the extraction and loading of
data into the data warehouse.
The warehouse manager performs operations related to the management of information placed in the data warehouse:
data consistency analysis;
Creating Indexes and Views for Base Tables
data denormalization (if necessary);
generalization of data (if necessary);
storage and archiving of backups.
The query manager performs operations related to managing user queries.


Слайд 19

data in
data warehouse

Detailed data. They correspond to elementary events recorded

Category data in data warehouse Detailed data. They correspond to elementary events
by OLTP systems (sales, experiments, etc.) and are divided into Dimensions (data needed to describe events: cities, events, people, etc.) and Facts (data reflecting the essence of the event: the number of goods sold, the results of experiments, etc.).

Aggregated data

Metadata. Information about data stored in the data warehouse. Metadata should answer the following questions:
What Describe objects in the domain stored in the data store;
Who Describe the categories of users used data and their access rights;
Where Describe the location of servers, workstations, ID storage sites and the distribution of data between them;
When Describe the time it takes to perform different data operations.
Why Describe the reasons for the performance of certain operations over the data.

Additive - numerical actual data that can be summarized across all dimensions;

Semi-addive - numerical actual data that can only be summed up over certain measurements; (except for time: account balance, average

Слайд 20


ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) is defined as a process that extracts

ETL ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) is defined as a process that
the data from different source systems, then transforms the data (like applying calculations, concatenations, etc.) and finally loads the data into the Data Warehouse system.

Слайд 21

ETL tasks

 Extracting the data from source systems (Cloud, SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Flat

ETL tasks Extracting the data from source systems (Cloud, SQL Server, Oracle,
files …), data from different source systems is converted into one consolidated data warehouse format which is ready for transformation processing.
Transforming the data may involve the following tasks:
  applying business rules (so-called derivations, e.g., calculating new measures and dimensions),
  cleaning (e.g., mapping NULL to 0 or "Male" to "M" and "Female" to "F" etc.),
  filtering (e.g., selecting only certain columns to load),
  splitting a column into multiple columns and vice versa,
  joining together data from multiple sources (e.g., lookup, merge),
  transposing rows and columns,
  applying any kind of simple or complex data validation (e.g., if the first 3 columns in a row are empty then reject the row from processing)
Loading the data into a data warehouse or data repository other reporting applications.

Слайд 22

4. OLAP technology

4. OLAP technology

Слайд 23

Fast. Analysis should be performed equally quickly on all aspects of the

Fast. Analysis should be performed equally quickly on all aspects of the
information. An acceptable response time of 5 s or less.
Analysis. It should be possible to carry out the main types of numerical and statistical analysis, predetermined by the application developer or arbitrarily determined by the user.
Shared. Many users must have access to data, and access to sensitive information must be controlled.
Multidimensional. Is the main, most essential characteristic of OLAP.
Information. The application should be able to access any information you need, regardless of its volume and storage location.

OLAP (Online analytical processing), is an approach to answer multi-dimensional analytical (MDA) queries swiftly in computing (Edward Codd).
He also formulated 12 OLAP principles, which were later redesigned into a so-called test FASMI:

OLAP Definition

OLAP = Multidimensional View = Cube

Слайд 24

OLAP technology presents data for analysis in the form of multidimensional

OLAP technology presents data for analysis in the form of multidimensional (and,
(and, therefore, non-relational) data sets called multidimensional cubes (hypercube, metacube, fact cube), whose axes contain parameters (dimensions), and the cells - aggregate data depending on them.
Moreover, a hypercube is a conceptual logical model of data organization, and not a physical implementation of their storage, since such data can also be stored in relational tables ("relational databases were, are and will be the most suitable technology for storing corporate data" - E. Codd).

Слайд 25

A three-dimensional cube where sales amounts are used as facts, and time,

A three-dimensional cube where sales amounts are used as facts, and time,
product category and manufacturer are used as measurements defined at different levels of grouping: products are grouped by category, sales time data is by month, and manufacturers are not grouped.

Слайд 26

Basic OLAP Cube Data Structures

Basic OLAP Cube Data Structures

Слайд 27

Dimension is a metadata element that describes the main economic indicators of

Dimension is a metadata element that describes the main economic indicators of
an enterprise (product categories, manufacturers, cities, time periods, …).

Member is a single data item within dimension (Bread, Kulinichi, January, …).

Measure is a numeric values that users want analyse (How much bread was sold from Kulinichi in January? 2000 pcs).  

Level is a position in a hierarchy (Month in Time, Category in Product).

Hierarchy is a set of parent-child relationships, typically where a parent member summarizes its children. Parent elements can further be aggregated as the children of another parent.
Time: Date – Month – Quarter – Year;
Product: Product – Category – Industry;
Location: Office – City – Region – Country.

Basic OLAP Cube Data Structures

Слайд 28

OLAP cube operations

Slice is the act of picking a rectangular subset of a

OLAP cube operations Slice is the act of picking a rectangular subset
cube by choosing a single value for one of its dimensions, creating a new cube with one fewer dimension.

Category = Bread

Dice is an “extension” of the slice operation as it allows users to extract a subcube by selecting values for several dimensions. 

Слайд 29

Roll-up is synonym for "consolidation" or "aggregation." The Roll-up operation can be

Roll-up is synonym for "consolidation" or "aggregation." The Roll-up operation can be
performed in 2 ways:
Reducing dimensions
Climbing up concept hierarchy. Concept hierarchy is a system of grouping things based on their order or level.

The sum of sales for all products (Reducing dimensions):

Слайд 30

In drill-down data is fragmented into smaller parts. It is the opposite

In drill-down data is fragmented into smaller parts. It is the opposite
of the rollup process. It can be done via
Moving down the concept hierarchy
Increasing a dimension

Слайд 31

In Pivot (Rotate), you rotate the data axes to provide a substitute

In Pivot (Rotate), you rotate the data axes to provide a substitute presentation of data.
presentation of data.

Слайд 32

Types of OLAP systems

ROLAP (Relational OLAP) is an extended RDBMS along with

Types of OLAP systems ROLAP (Relational OLAP) is an extended RDBMS along
multidimensional data mapping to perform the standard relational operation.
MOLAP (Multidimensional OLAP ) implements operation in multidimensional data.
In HOLAP (Hybrid OLAP) approach the aggregated totals are stored in a multidimensional database while the detailed data is stored in the relational database. This offers both data efficiency of the ROLAP model and the performance of the MOLAP model.

Слайд 33

5. Data Warehouse Schema

5. Data Warehouse Schema

Слайд 34

Dimensional Model Concept

A dimensional model is a data structure technique optimized for

Dimensional Model Concept A dimensional model is a data structure technique optimized
Data warehousing tools. The concept of Dimensional Modelling was developed by Ralph Kimball and is consists of "fact" and "dimension" tables.
A dimensional model is designed to read, summarize, analyse numeric information like values, balances, counts, weights, etc. in a data warehouse. In contrast, relation models are optimized for addition, updating and deletion of data in a real-time Online Transaction System.
These dimensional and relational models have their unique way of data storage that has specific advantages:
For instance, in the relational mode, normalization and ER models reduce redundancy in data. On the contrary, dimensional model arranges data in such a way that it is easier to retrieve information and generate reports.

Слайд 35

Elements of Dimensional Data Model

Fact. Facts are dimensions / metrics or facts

Elements of Dimensional Data Model Fact. Facts are dimensions / metrics or
of a business process. For a business’s sales process, the measurement is the monthly total sales.
Dimension. A dimension provides the context surrounding a business process event. Simply put, they give who, what, where it is a fact. In the Sales business process, for the actual monthly sales volume, the dimensions will be:
Who – Manufacturer
Where – Location
What – Product
When – Time
Attributes. The Attributes are the various characteristics of the dimension.
Time dimension: Date, Month, Quarter, Year;
Product dimension: Product, Category, Industry.
Attributes are used to search, filter, or classify facts. Dimension tables contain attributes.

Слайд 36

Tables in the data warehouse

Dimension table. A dimension table contains dimensions of

Tables in the data warehouse Dimension table. A dimension table contains dimensions
a fact.
They are joined to fact table via a foreign key.
Dimension tables are de-normalized tables.
The dimension attributes are the various columns in a dimension table.
Dimensions offers descriptive characteristics of the facts with the help of their attributes.
The dimension can also contain one or more hierarchical relationships

Fact table. A fact table is a primary table in a dimensional model. It contains
Foreign key to dimension table

Слайд 37

Schema types

Star Schema. It is called a star schema because diagram resembles

Schema types Star Schema. It is called a star schema because diagram
a star, with points radiating from a center. The center of the star consists of the fact table, and the points of the star is dimension tables.
The fact tables in a star schema which is third normal form whereas dimensional tables are de-normalized.

Слайд 38

Snowflake Schema. The snowflake schema is an extension of the star schema.

Snowflake Schema. The snowflake schema is an extension of the star schema.
In a snowflake schema, each dimension are normalized and connected to more dimension tables.

Слайд 39

Galaxy Schema. A Galaxy Schema contains two or more fact tables that

Galaxy Schema. A Galaxy Schema contains two or more fact tables that
shares dimension tables. It is also called Fact Constellation Schema. The schema is viewed as a collection of stars hence the name Galaxy Schema.

Слайд 40

Difference between database system and data warehouse

Difference between database system and data warehouse

Слайд 41

Difference between OLTP system and data warehouse

Difference between OLTP system and data warehouse
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