The role of social networks in youth's life

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The relevance of research
«The Internet»
The role of social networks in the life

Content The relevance of research «The Internet» The role of social networks
of young people

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The relevance of research

In the modern world, using young technologies in the

The relevance of research In the modern world, using young technologies in
organization of communication is commonplace among young people. In fact, we are dealing with a new communication tool, a tool that allows you to organize communication.
This change in communicative forms cannot but change the very content of communication. Such changes lead to significant metamorphosis in the structure of society, impose imprints on behavioral standards and even change the mentality.

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"The Internet"

The Internet, as a global information system that forms cyberspace, a

"The Internet" The Internet, as a global information system that forms cyberspace,
special reality, gives rise to cyberculture with its own concepts, values, ways of thinking and language and is today one of the main components of the development of the information society. The ambiguity of the impact of social networks on young people is of interest to the study of this problem.
In the network, young people are looking for new friends and new subcultures, trying to gain a sense of belonging to a particular group. In the process of searching for a congenial personality, young people enter into various relationships, they get the opportunity to communicate with an almost limitless number of people and interest groups, with all kinds of personalities, learn many stories, have the opportunity to exchange opinions and discuss their questions.
The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that social networks play a large role in people's lives. Every day, millions of people communicate, arrange meetings, look for information on social networks and the most active users are young people.

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The role of social networks in the life of young people

In the

The role of social networks in the life of young people In
modern world, young people began to satisfy their need for communication through the use of these social networks. She began to neglect walks on the street, trips to public entertainment places and visits to friends, replacing all this with a virtual “life” inside social networks. They began to take pictures not in order to save you a pleasant moment in life, but in order to put these photos on a social network and see a few positive comments under them and get another portion of satisfaction from it. This list can be continued, the problem is obvious and clear. You cannot replace “natural” communication with virtual communication, youth’s control over their real life is lost and virtual values ​​are exaggerated [2, p. 50].
Problem: at present, new ways of communication have appeared, in particular, social networks, which have an ambiguous impact on the development of the personality of young people.
Object of study: young people aged 16 to 30 years, using social networks.
Subject of research: social networks, as well as the impact of social networks on young people.

Слайд 6


The relevance of research
«The Internet»
The role of social networks in the life

Content The relevance of research «The Internet» The role of social networks
of young people
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