Слайд 2America’s Long History of
Double Standards
Prisoners at Guantanamo Bay,
Un-signing the International Criminal

Court (ICC)
Ignoring International adjudications
Слайд 3It’s okay…not always harmful
Three reasons
First Amendment
Feet/inches vs. metric system
Penchant for non-ratification

Слайд 4Double Standards give US bad image. However:
US is exceptional in international affairs—global

leadership and activism
When US leads,
other countries follow.
When US does not get involved, often nothing happens (Rwanda/Bosnia)
Слайд 5US Power
Strong Military, Weak Diplomacy Efforts?
Afganistan…went in strong, then what?
Iraq…went in strong,

then what?
Слайд 6Bush Administration
Opted for legal strategy
Double standards are becoming the “rule”
Imposed democracy oxymoron

rights, universal values harmed
Hostile course of action
Слайд 7What Do We Do About It?
Transnational legal process to improve image
Promote human

rights and rule of law
Turn the tide...
America no longer isolated…
like it or not
Power-based internationalism or norm-based?