Слайд 82. foreign-language contributions to the vocabulary French has many words borrowed from

other languages. Words used in French come from: Arabic: l'alcool, le café, ajouré; English: parking, humour, cinéma, sport; German: nouilles, joker; Greek: thermomètre, l'architecture, la machine; Italian: piano, d'un balcon, un carnaval; Spanish: chocolat, tomate, tabac, caramel; Russian: compagnon, un samovar, chalet, matriochka. Russian has little influence on the French vocabulary: Beluga, le rouble, un manteau en peau de mouton, une grand-mère, un rouleau, boulettes de pâte, de résidence, la perestroïka, la glasnost. Borrowings from French are significant in Russian and are divided into different thematic groups: furniture (lampshade, closet, trumo); clothes (suit, corset, coat); accessories (bracelet, veil); politics (liberal, communism, federation); culture (impressionism, memoirs, party, actor, repertory, masterpiece); cookery (broth, dessert, cutlet, pickle).