The ancient history of Lebanon

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The Country after Romans

Rulers of the Country

Roman’s Empire

History of Lebanon

Name of Phoenicians


The Country after Romans Rulers of the Country Roman’s Empire History of
of Phoenicians



Prehistoric Time




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Prehistoric Time:

The earlier known settlements in Lebanon date back to earlier than

Prehistoric Time: The earlier known settlements in Lebanon date back to earlier
5000 B.C.
In Byblos, which is considered to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world.

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The area known as Lebanon first appeared in the recorded history around

Canaanites: The area known as Lebanon first appeared in the recorded history
4000B.C as a group of coastal cities. It was inhabited by Canaanites, a Semitic people that came from the Arabian peninsula.

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Name of Phoenicians:

The Greeks called them Phoenicians which means violet, and that

Name of Phoenicians: The Greeks called them Phoenicians which means violet, and
is due to the purple color that dominated their clothing and to the purple dye that they were famous for.

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Achievements of Phoenicians:

They had a lot of achievements such as:
Alphabet: the invention

Achievements of Phoenicians: They had a lot of achievements such as: Alphabet:
of the alphabet is one of the greatest things that the Phoenician’s civilization has provided to human. They used some of Sumerian and Egyptian languages and developed it.
Discovery of purple pigment: the Phoenicians were the first to discover the purple color, they extracted it from the shells. They entered it in their industries especially clothes.

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Ship building: the Phoenicians made a lot of industries they were professionals

Ship building: the Phoenicians made a lot of industries they were professionals
in multiple thing such as jewelry, glass, and pottery. They were not satisfied to sell it in the country only, but also to export it to other regions. The transportation in land was slow and they needed to be faster. This need led them to built ships and mastered it.

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Rulers of the country:

After this economic prosperity in the country, several people

Rulers of the country: After this economic prosperity in the country, several
came to dominate the country. The first were Assyrians(875-608 BC), Babylonians(605-537B.C), And Persians(537-330B.C.) that control the country respectively. All of them destroyed some cities imposed tribute on the population, and put a strict rules on the country. After that, the king of Macedonia alexander the great he attacked the Persians troops and defeat them in the 4th century B.C.. The Phoenicians welcomed him and considered him as a savior for the country. They were influenced by the Greek culture which gave them a different character from the others in the region.

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Roman’s Empire:

After the alexander’s death his empire was divided and controlled by

Roman’s Empire: After the alexander’s death his empire was divided and controlled
different people. Phoenicia and the eastern part was taken by the roman in 64 B.C.. The economic and the intellectual activities flourished again and, and the citizens were given the roman citizenship

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The country after Romans:

After the death of Romanian king, the empire was

The country after Romans: After the death of Romanian king, the empire
divided into two parts. The eastern part that contain Lebanon was controlled by byzantine. The economy continued to flourish more than a century. After a long time the Arabs Muslim of the Arabian peninsula ruled the country. Also the Ottomans controlled the country for a long time, then the French in the first world war. After 23 years, Lebanon became independent and built his on country.
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