- 2. Agenda Country Profile Legal System Types of Business Ownership Limited Liability Company(LLC) Closing of Company
- 3. Country profile Madrid https://ru.freepik.com/premium-photo/euro-sign-symbol_1337370.htm https://res.cloudinary.com/hello-tickets/image/upload/ar_16:9,c_fill,f_auto,q_auto,w_800/v1653015477/klxnme5j2lv6tn7tagfs.jpg https://img8.eadaily.com/c650x400/o/fab/b6e2824e067a6c93ecfa3f5842a95.jpeg https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/spanish-flag-spain-country-national-identity_8071-1617.jpg?w=2000
- 4. Legal System The Spanish legal system is a civil law system, as opposed to common law,
- 5. Types of Business Ownership Sole Proprietorship Partnership Limited Liability Company Corporations Cooperative
- 6. Sole Proprietorship Partnership When someone conducts commercial operations but does not register as another type of
- 7. Corporations Cooperative There are actually a few separate types of corporations, and each one has something
- 8. Limited Liability Company(LLC) Limited liability companies are defined as a type of business structure where members
- 9. Benefits of Limited Liability 100% Foreign Shareholders Limited Liability One Shareholder One Administrator Low Minimum Share
- 10. Closing of Company Dissolution Liquidation Extinction https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fd/8f/75/fd8f75ac19d8be7c412819293bce479d.jpg
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