Слайд 13Қолданылған әдебиеттер:
Куратко Д.Ф
Кәсіпкерлік: теория, процесс, практика. 10-басылым.-Алматы:Ұлттық аударма бюросы,2018 жыл-480 бет
Rob Asghar

“Study” Millennials Are the True Entreprenuer Generation, Forbes, November 11, 2014
Lioyd E, Shefsky, Entrepreneurs Are Made Not Born (New York:McGraw-Hill, Inc,1994)
1. Rob Asghar, «Study: Millennials Are the True Lloyd F preneur Generation», Forbes, November 11, 2014.
Accessed online, January 2, 2015. http://www.forbes.
2. Robert.com/sites/robasghar/2014/11/11/study-millennials-are-the-true-entrepreneur-generation/; Brian Du-maine and Elaine Pofeldt, «The Best Bolleges Entrepreneurs», FortuneSmallBusiness (September,2007): 61-75.
'Why' Can'tMarcB. Wardbox: Potive Scieno. )
3. See, for example, William D. Bygrave and Charles W.Hofer, «Theorizing about Entrepreneurship», Entrepre-neurship Theory and Practice 16,no. 2(1991): 12-22;