a letter of invitation


Слайд 2

White Tie

A White Tie or Ultra-formal invitation requires men wear full dress,

White Tie A White Tie or Ultra-formal invitation requires men wear full
with white tie, vest, shirt. Women wear long gowns.
Black tailcoat (фрак), matching trousers
white shirt with stiff front
white vest
white-colored (e.g., mother of pearl) cufflinks
white bow tie
white or gray gloves
black patent shoes and black socks
Formal (floor length) evening gown

Note that the use of
white tie and morning dress
has become fairly rare
in some countries
(such as the U.S. and Australia),
where black tie is often
worn to the above events.

Слайд 3

Black Tie (Formal)

A Black Tie invitation calls for formal attire.
Men wear

Black Tie (Formal) A Black Tie invitation calls for formal attire. Men
tuxedos (смокинг - a dinner jacket)
Women wear cocktail, long dresses or dressy evening separates.
Formal usually means the same as Black Tie, but in some trendier cities like New York or Los Angeles, it could mean a black shirt, no tie with a tux.

Слайд 4

Black Tie Optional

A Black Tie Optional or Black Tie Invited gives you

Black Tie Optional A Black Tie Optional or Black Tie Invited gives
the option of wearing a tuxedo or formal dress, but it should clue you into the formality of the event, meaning a dark suit and tie would be your other option. Women wear cocktail, long dresses or dressy evening separates.
Either a tuxedo or Dark suit, white shirt, and conservative tie
dressy leather shoes and dark socks
Formal (floor length) evening gown
dressy cocktail dress
a little black dress
dressy separates

Слайд 5

Creative Black Tie leaves room for trendy interpretations of formal wear. He

Creative Black Tie leaves room for trendy interpretations of formal wear. He
can go more modern with a tux — maybe a black shirt, no tie. She wears long or short dresses or evening separates.
Sometimes, themed parties call for dress codes like Texas Black Tie or other variations of Creative Black Tie. In that situation, you can have more fun with it, choosing a dressy look with a theme   
Tuxedo combined with trendy or whimsical items, such as a black shirt or a matching colored or patterned bow tie
Formal (floor length) evening gown
dressy cocktail dress
your little black dress
fun or unique accessories

Слайд 6

Cocktail Attire

Cocktail Attire means short, elegant dresses for her and dark suits

Cocktail Attire Cocktail Attire means short, elegant dresses for her and dark
for him.  Women can also wear black slacks with a great blouse or festive jacket.
Dark, business suit
matching vest (optional)
dress shirt
conservative tie
dressy leather shoes and dark socks
Short afternoon or cocktail dress
a little black dress
long dressy skirt and top
dressy separates

Слайд 7


Semi-Formal or After Five means that tuxes are not required, nor are

Semi-formal Semi-Formal or After Five means that tuxes are not required, nor
long dresses. An evening wedding (after 6 PM) would still dictate dark suits for him, and a cocktail dress for her.
Daytime semi-formal events mean a suit for him and an appropriate short dress or dressy suit for her.
Dark, business suit
matching vest (optional)
dress shirt
conservative tie
dressy leather shoes
dark socks
Short afternoon or cocktail dress
a little black dress
long dressy skirt and top
dressy separates

Business Formal is the same as Semi-Formal f
or him, but for women it suggests
that women opt for more tailored
dressy suits and dresses (nothing too slinky or sexy).

Слайд 8


 Informal is often interpreted as the same as Casual but it actually

Informal Informal is often interpreted as the same as Casual but it
calls for the same dress as Semi-Formal — dark suits for him, short dresses for her — especially when associated with a wedding or special event.
Seasonal sport coat or blazer and slacks
dress shirt, casual button-down shirt
optional tie
open-collar or polo shirt
skirt and dressy top
dressy outfit
nice jeans and dressy top

Слайд 9

Business casual

a popular dress code in professional and white-collar workplaces in Western

Business casual a popular dress code in professional and white-collar workplaces in
For women: A reasonable length skirt or trousers of a non-jeans material combined with a top is considered acceptable. An informal dress with appropriate skirt length is also acceptable.
For men: A combination of collared shirt, cotton trousers with a belt. Jeans are not acceptable business casual attire.
Unacceptable for either gender: rumpled or ripped clothing, T-shirts, miniskirts, underwear as outerwear, inappropriately revealing attire such as bare midriffs, and flip-flops.Many corporations also frown upon open-toed shoes and shorts.

Слайд 10

Business casual
Black Tie (Semi-Formal)
Smart Casual
Business casual
Business (Informal)

Business casual Black Tie (Semi-Formal) Smart Casual Business casual Business (Informal) Streetwear

Слайд 11


Répondez s'il vous plaît
“reply please”
is requested on formal invitations
below the

RSVP Répondez s'il vous plaît “reply please” is requested on formal invitations
details of the invitation
respond as soon as possible

Слайд 12

A5 (After 5 - после пяти) - если нет других дополнений, то

A5 (After 5 - после пяти) - если нет других дополнений, то
это коктейль или другое мероприятие после 17.00.
Мужчина надевает костюм любых цветов, галстук не обязателен, женщина - коктейльное платье или нарядные сепараты (отдельные предметы одежды, не составляющие комплекта). Возможные варианты - A5 Semi-formal, A5 Casual. Casual (свободный стиль одежды), Informal (неформально) - такой стиль возможен на корпоративных вечеринках, пикниках, барбекю.
Одеваясь, следует принимать во внимание характер и место проведения мероприятия. Возможно, следует лучше одеться элегантно, чем непринужденно.
Ответственные деловые встречи могут предполагать следующие коды: Btr (Business Traditional) или Undress (традиционный деловой костюм или повседневная форма одежды) - обычный деловой костюм. Bb (Business Best - самый строгий и дорогой деловой костюм) - предполагает лучший деловой костюм и для мужчины и для женщины.

Слайд 13

Total White (в белом с головы до ног)
Green Party (вас ждут

Total White (в белом с головы до ног) Green Party (вас ждут
в чем-нибудь зеленом). Существует интересная тонкость, относящаяся к одежде женщин. В коктейльном платье девушка свободна в выборе компании: она может прийти и уйти одна, со спутником, сменить партнера в ходе вечера. Вечернее же платье "в пол" подразумевает обязательное наличие кавалера.
S.t. (sine tempore - лат.) - вовремя, без опоздания C.t. (cum tempore - лат.) - с опозданием не более чем на четверть часа

Слайд 14

613 West Gohno Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502
May 2, 2011
Dear Maria,
Next weekend our friend

613 West Gohno Road Lexington, Kentucky 40502 May 2, 2011 Dear Maria,
Luis Sanches will be in town for a visit. I plan to have a few friends over to my house on Saturday, May 20, at 3:00 P.M., to give everyone a chance to say hello. I certainly would like for you to be there.
We will be cooking hamburgers outdoors, and we might even get another softball game going, so be sure to wear your comfortable clothes.
R.S.V.P. 491-1929

23 Kirkland Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40502
May, 6, 2011
Dear Jail,
Thank you for your invitation
to the cookout at your house on
Saturday, May 20, at 3:00 P.M.
There’s nothing I would like more than
to see Luis again, and the cookout
Sounds great.
See you on the 20th.

Слайд 15

You and your (spouse/ friend) are cordially invited to attend a (dinner/

You and your (spouse/ friend) are cordially invited to attend a (dinner/
banquet) (in honour/ to celebrate)…
The dinnner will be held on (month, date. day) at (location).
Cocktails will begin at … with dinner at …
We are looking forward to seeing you

Слайд 16

Dear Deborah:
You have been our valuable customer for a long time. You

Dear Deborah: You have been our valuable customer for a long time.
have visited our store regularly for last five years. We are inviting you for a special event organized by our store. The event is a Preview Showcasing our Winter Fashion Collection 2009. The event will be held at the store on Tuesday evening, December 1, 2009 from 7.30 pm to 11.30 pm. The fashion show will be followed by a dinner. There will be a fashion show that will feature our brand new winter collection before hitting the market. You will get special discounts on shopping for $1500. There are draws on the winter collection.
The event is for special invitees and valued customers. In order to attend the event, you need to confirm your attendance by contacting Susan Johnson at (212) 340-0908 by November 25th. On the evening of the event, you need to bring the original invitation letter to participate in the draws.
The organizing team looks forward to meet you at the event, share the winter collection and enjoy the evening with us.
Yours sincerely
Patricia White
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