Breakfast and Its Importance

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I. Introduction
II. Breakfast and Its Importance
2.1. What is Breakfast?
2.2. Why is Breakfast

Content I. Introduction II. Breakfast and Its Importance 2.1. What is Breakfast?
2.3. Importance of Breakfast for Pupils and Students
2.4. Attitude to Breakfast of My Classmates and Schoolmates
2.5. How to Build a Better Breakfast
III. Conclusion
IV. Literature and other sources

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I. Introduction

The famous English saying implies ‘Eat breakfast like a King,

I. Introduction The famous English saying implies ‘Eat breakfast like a King,
lunch like a princess and tea like a poor man’. Some of us fully follow it. They consider that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The others don’t agree with the importance of breakfast and try to skip eating breakfast in different reasons.
Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? Or is it all just a myth? How to build a better and healthier breakfast? These questions are being discussed from far a long time and are actual till nowadays.
Thus, according to 47 observational studies on breakfast habits, carried out in Europe and the US during the latest years, about 10-30% of children and adolescents regularly skip breakfast. This detrimental practice progressively increases from childhood to adulthood.
The contemporary data from Ukraine indicate that this issue concerns Ukraine as well. Although 90% of the population declares that they usually have breakfast, only 30% eat a quantitatively and qualitatively appropriate meal at the beginning of the day. Every morning, most of people just drink a cup of coffee or tea. There is an increasing trend towards standing up and hurried breakfast, eaten at home, with little attention paid to the meal composition.
A subsequent analysis, made by Eurisko in 2007, confirms these data and characterized habits, lack of time, and lack of appetite as the main courses for passing over breakfast.
In this paper I try to answer the abovementioned questions and to investigate the attitude toward this issue of my classmates and schoolmates, to analyze how it is connected with their study and state of their health and to study recommendations of specialists on building a better breakfast.
So, the main aim of my paper is to prepare consensus information on the importance of breakfast, based on resent scientific evidence and on my own investigation among my classmates and friends, and in such a way show the role of breakfast in the attainment and maintenance of health and wellness.

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II. Breakfast and Its Importance
2.1. What is Breakfast?

First of all, let

II. Breakfast and Its Importance 2.1. What is Breakfast? First of all,
us define what breakfast is. The word breakfast is really
Two words, 'break' and 'fast'. 'Fast' is when you don't eat food, and all
during the night you have been sleeping and not eating. Breakfast is the first
meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work.
Breakfast is regarded by many nutritionists as the most important meal of the day. It varies according to the culture of the country. For example, in Britain and the USA breakfasts often include complex carbohydrates which contain fibre, proteins, minerals, and vitamins, and provide a steady stream of glucose. Equally nutritious breakfasts are provided by salads and soups in Japan, or fish and bread in Norway. Ukrainian breakfast does not have special breakfast items like in the US. A typical breakfast for a person in the Ukraine would vary from city to city. People in villages usually eat a soup (similar to kulish). In cities we have hot oatmeal with cream and a little brown sugar or with milk. Generally, Ukrainians have hot tea, and possibly boiled buckwheat, oatmeal, fried potatoes, bread and butter, or fried eggs for breakfast.
In general breakfast foods often include a carbohydrate such as grains or cereals, fruit and/or vegetable, a protein food such as eggs, meat or fish, and a beverage such as tea, coffee or fruit juice. Coffee, tea, juice, breakfast cereals, pancakes, sausages, bacon, sweet breads, fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs, mushrooms, black pudding, baked beans, muffins, crumpets and toast with butter or margarine and/or jam or marmalade are common examples of breakfast foods, though a large range of preparations and ingredients are associated with breakfast globally.
So, breakfast is when you break your fast by eating.

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2.2. Why is Breakfast Important?

My next step was researching what do

2.2. Why is Breakfast Important? My next step was researching what do
nutritionists, physiologists and doctors think about this issue.
From early childhood we all hear from our mothers and pediatricians that breakfast is the main meal of the day. But they rarely explain us why it is so important.
So, why do we need to have our breakfast?
Web MD reported an interesting study that was done by the American Dietetic Association. The studies show that kids who eat a healthy breakfast have more concentration, eye-hand coordination and even better problem solving skills. Children who eat a healthy breakfast do better in all aspects of their school life from the classroom, to the playground.
Here are some reasons why taking the time to eat a morning meal will benefit us in the long run that are discovered by nutritionists and physiologists
•Hunger control
•Feed your brain
•Long term benefits

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2.3. Importance of Breakfast for Pupils and Students

The exact meaning and

2.3. Importance of Breakfast for Pupils and Students The exact meaning and
importance of breakfast lies in the word itself. By eating breakfast, we are actually breaking the fast or long gap after dinner, the previous night. By the time we wake up in the morning, all our energy is used up and hence we need new energy to go through our daily routine. Students who do not eat or skip breakfast on a regular basis are at a high risk of developing gastroenteritis and several other health problems. Not only that, students have to face a lot of challenges in school and an empty stomach may come in the way of their progress. It has been observed that children who do not have their breakfast before going to school have problems, like, headache, sleepiness, stomach pain, muscle fatigue, etc. Indecisiveness, anger, anxiety, irritability, unhappiness, nervousness, lethargy, hostility, etc. are some other problems that can be seen in students who skip their breakfast. Such physical and psychological problems have the ability to hinder the learning process of students.
The first point that comes to my mind while thinking about importance of breakfast for kids is that breakfast helps in their overall learning process. Students have a busy time in school where they not only learn different subjects but also indulge in extracurricular activities. For doing these activities, they need energy which comes from glucose that breakfast provides. Moreover, eating breakfast regularly also helps in weight management which can reduce the risk of child obesity which has become a common problem in recent times due to unhealthy eating habits.
Students who have the habit of eating breakfast have been reported to have better concentration during lessons than those who do not. Breakfast is also beneficial for the memory of the students as they are able to remember and retrieve already learned information quickly as well as accurately. Even their problem solving ability is enhanced by eating breakfast on a regular basis.
Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between eating breakfast and test scores. It is seen that students who have their breakfast regularly score better in their tests than those who avoid eating breakfast. As a healthy breakfast offers ¼ of the nutrition that the body requires, there are less chances that children will indulge in binge eating foods, like, fast foods which are not good for their health. Rather, they are likely to choose foods that are healthier as well as nutritious, later in the day.

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2.4. Attitude to Breakfast of My Classmates and Schoolmates

In the following

2.4. Attitude to Breakfast of My Classmates and Schoolmates In the following
part of my Research Paper I decided to investigate the attitude toward eating breakfast of my classmates and schoolmates. I have received following results:

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2.5. How to Build a Better Breakfast

Skipping breakfast may seem like

2.5. How to Build a Better Breakfast Skipping breakfast may seem like
an easy way to cut calories, but it
can actually make losing weight and keeping it off more difficult.
Here are three reasons to eat it, how to build it better and some great
example meals that will help you improve the most important meal
of the day.
Thus, three main reasons for eating breakfast:
Breakfast boosts your metabolism. By starting your
day with a balance of carbohydrates and lean protein, you can actually
boost calorie burning by speeding up your metabolism. Yes—we are
telling you to eat to lose weight! Breakfast prevents crescendo eating.
What begins with skipping breakfast often builds to an evening finale
of excess portions and high calorie food. Spreading calories throughout the day can help you stay lean by providing steady fuel for your metabolism.
Breakfast stabilizes blood sugar. A breakfast of lean protein and fiber helps
your body process carbohydrates better throughout the day. Keeping your blood sugar stable helps prevent hunger pangs and improve energy levels.
Breakfast is especially important for children and adolescents. According
to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat breakfast are more
likely to have better concentration, problem-solving skills and eye-hand
coordination. They may also be more alert and creative, and less likely to
miss days of school.
From the all abovementioned, we can understand that the science is
behind a healthy breakfast. To eat a good breakfast is thus a step toward
long-term health and well-being.

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III. Conclusion

As it has been already investigated in this paper our

III. Conclusion As it has been already investigated in this paper our
meal influences much on our health and our mood. That’s why I consider breakfast to be the most important meal of the day as it is the first our meal and it can put us in good spirits.
The first and most important reason you should have breakfast is because your body really needs it. Your body needs fuel to re-energize and prepare for the long (and usually tiring) day ahead. Our brains are particularly hard-done by our skipping our breakfasts. The brain needs glucose, its main fuel, and that comes from food.
So, no breakfast = lack of concentration, lethargy, tiredness, etc. To my mind, this is a good reason why you need to recharge your body with the most important fuel of the day to give you a headstart and keep you going.
As my research shows, for schoolchildren especially, having a good breakfast is important. The schoolchildren who eat their breakfast regularly have been shown to perform better at school, have been seen to be more active and have been seen to have less absenteeism from school.
Breakfast foods also contribute to a higher intake of essential nutrients/vitamins that our body needs. Some of them are vitamin C, thiamin, iron, calcium, etc.
So, we all need food. But at the same time we must keep to a balanced diet. It consists of all the things we need to be healthy and to have enough energy during the day. We must eat well, but not too much of the same food.
There are four main food groups to build our daily menu of:
1)milk and dairy foods (including cheese, yoghurt);
2)meat and fish (including eggs and chicken);
3)vegetables and fruit (including green vegetables, root vegetables, fruit juice);
4)potatoes and cereals (including bread, pasta, rice).
Each group is a good source of nutrients. A nutrient is a chemical or food that
provides the things we need to live and grow. A lot of meals are a combination of two or more of the main
food groups.
We also eat other things: fat, oil, salt and sugar, for example. And of course, everyone eat snack foods (crisps, chips, sweets, etc.). It’s better to eat only a little of such kind of food or avoid it at all.

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1. Benton D, Parker PY. (1998). Breakfast, blood glucose, and cognition.

IV. SOURCES 1. Benton D, Parker PY. (1998). Breakfast, blood glucose, and
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 67(4):772S-778S.
2. Breakfast is Best Campaign:
3. Build a Better Breakfast 5 tips to make the first meal your best meal by Anne T. Donahue
4. Hoyland A, Dye L, Lawton CL. (2009). Systematic review of the effect of breakfast on the cognitive performance of children and adolescents. Nutrition Research Reviews 22(2):220-243.
5. Rampersaud GC et al. (2005). Breakfast habits, nutritional status, body weight and academic performance in children and adolescents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105(5):743-760.
6. Pearson N, Biddle SJ, Gorely T. (2009). Family correlates of breakfast consumption among children and adolescents. A systematic review. Appetite 52(1):1-7.
7. Mullan BA, Singh M. (2010). A systematic review of the quality, content, and context of breakfast consumption. Nutrition and Food Science 40(1):81-114.
8. Vereecken C, Dupuy M, Rasmussen M et al. (2009). Breakfast consumption and its socio-demographic and lifestyle correlates in schoolchildren in 41 countries participating in the HBSC study. International Journal of Public Health 54:S180-S190.
9. Szajewska H, Ruszczynski M. (2010). Systematic review demonstrating that breakfast consumption influences body weight outcomes in children and adolescents in Europe. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 50(2):113-119.
10. 8 Simple Ways to Eat Right by Alicia Merchant
11. The Many Benefits of Breakfast by Kathleen M.Zelman, MPH, RD, LD. – WebMD – Better information. Better Health. –
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